Of course, Sean could always just get a pit bull.
They are such misunderstood, loving animals
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dHQdPurKHXY" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
What shocked me about this video is not that the Pitbull unprovokedly tried to chew the leg of a stranger, that is about par for the course.
It was the fact that EVERYBODY, including the dog's handler, were completely in the dark about how to stop the dog.
It is so easy, especially when it is wearing a collar and leash.
Stick your hand into the collar ( from behind, rule # 1 of martial arts, never willingly put your hand in front of an opponent's teeth)
Twist hard............as in HARD!!!!
That will cut off the blood supply to the brain and render the dog unconscious in about 5 seconds.
Then hold for a few seconds more, to make sure the dog is really out of it ( With Pitbulls, hold for 5 minutes!)
When they wake up, they'll be totally confused and out of it.
With a wide collar like the one in the video, better to use the leash and do the " Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes" thing on it.
I've broken up two bad dogfights this way.
Waited till they were locked into each ohther, grabbed both collars and down the went.
First one worked like a charm. When they came to, they were staggering all over the place and figting was the last thing on their minds.
Second one I got my hand chewed up, before getting a grip on the second one of them.
Still got them down, though.
I've seen one better way to do it.
When I worked in Idaho, two cow dogs got into it under an old flatbed wagon.
We couldn't get at them, so eventually one of the guys stuck his .357 under the wagon and fired it into the ground.
Out came two staggering cow dogs, hearing shot to shit, literally.
Wouldn't work too well in a subway I suppose, even in the land of the free guns.