Cold showers

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  • #27
Ha! I just did 30 secs worth which is loads more than I did before. Did it in stages, letting each colder level shower on my knee which is a war zone, and then after getting used to it there I went under with the rest of the body. When I got to the coldest level on my knee/leg, it was more than cold, it was numbing after only 5 seconds worth. But anyway, let that run for a bit till I got sorta used to it then went for the full body. It was harsh but I stayed in as long as I could force myself. And sure enough felt like a straight up million bucks after.

It seems to be a profoundly simple yet ultimately deep practice/excerise/choice/task.

I'm eager for the next one. Seriously, I thought 2 seconds was going to be my max.
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  • #28
I try to be kind to the environment you know.

Shower every other day or a little longer.

The area immediately around me may suffer a bit....but the larger area is better.

I applaud your philosophy, sir.
If there is a breakdown in society, gangs of vagabonds terrorising decent folk etc. I will wash in cold water, till then, I consider it a betrayal of all those that fought Sabre tooth tigers and Short Faced Bears if I did anything but luxuriate in the embrace of warm jets of water for as long as I please.
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  • #31
Long story short, I think you are right, FFZ

You ever read any of the Wim Hoff stuff?

I like the story of how it started for him, he was late teens/early 20s, was 'searching', tried yoga, martial arts, etc, all good but still searching. Was walking by a frozen or at least ice cold pond. It called to him and he jumped in. It was as shocking to him as it would be to anybody but he felt it was exactly what he'd been seeking.

He got more and more into it over time to the point where scientists studied his body and reactions to the cold and a number of breakthrough discoveries were established re how a person can control their own body and its reactions to stimuli
So how cold is a cold shower? 60? 50? 35?

I've found in the summer I sometimes enjoy turning the temp down gradually until it is coldest, but then it doesn't seem all that cold. I don't think I've done it in the winter. I may have tried once, but can't remember.

I've also found the easiest way to just jump right in is to think how much it will suck. Have the cold water going, think several times of just jumping in, sample the water a few times, flick some of it onto your sides. By then you will have imagined it being a lot worse than it will be, and it won't surprise you. Jumping in without thinking about it could come as an unbearable shock.
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  • #34
Good question. I hope its below 50*
I did that once -- in a pool behind an Inn, but it was still March in North Carolina. I dove in, swam underwater across the length of the pool. Then immediately went to my room and took a warm shower. Pretty brisk & refreshing!
If there is a breakdown in society, gangs of vagabonds terrorising decent folk etc. I will wash in cold water, till then, I consider it a betrayal of all those that fought Sabre tooth tigers and Short Faced Bears if I did anything but luxuriate in the embrace of warm jets of water for as long as I please.

I think I'm totally with my friend Mick on this one.
I like completely cold in the summer months but after working all day in the cold I wouldn't even consider it in the winter. I couldn't take it. I live about 30 minutes from the town of Hot Springs Arkansas. We go there all the time. There are hundreds of hot springs that come out of the mountains. People have bathed there for centuries. There are hot bath houses everywhere. Although I have never personally bathed there. People still come from everywhere to bathe there. The water is about 143 degrees if I remember. I do know I can't hold my hands in it for longer than a few seconds. So is hot water better for you or cold water?
In my 20's I used to swim along the river in wet suit with the diving club. Then 20 years later, it was the training with the rescue dogs club, again in wet suit. Some times we even had to broke the (thin) ice. It was so freaking cold that the fingers can't no longer work. Not only you are like freezing to death, but you can't even undress yourself at the end to get back the dry and warm cloths. It was sunday morning, I was so tired and drained of energy that I often slept the sunday afternoon and needed the monday to recover. After the 7th year, I couldn't stand it anymore. Even my dog became reluctant to swim in the bad season.

But taking a cold shower ? Surely not ! No way, even in summer.
My good water temperature is just under too hot.
I want to feel good, not awoken up, stressed, stimulated or I don't know which so called benefits.
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  • #41
I don't think anyone is advocating inducing hypothermia. I think the point is that cold water immersion in the correct amount, together btw with certain breathing methods, can produce health benefits and capabilities that aren't as readily attainable in other ways. Goog Wim Hoff
It is a Scandinavian tradition to either take a cold shower or jump in ice water after a sauna or hottub.

Winter swimming has really taken off here the last decade.
Therer are gruops of people all over the country who build saunas at the waters edge.

I know several people who start their day by going down to Roskilde harbour, getting in the sauna and then jumping in the water.
This being Denmark, all that is done naked, no matter what age you are.

I'm too antisocial to get into that.
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  • #45
I'm too antisocial to get into that.

Its almost like you are bragging about being antisocial. Just saying, not being provocative. You should give a whirl, try it you might like it (the harbor thing). If it stinks then you have a wacky story to post up here for us;). If its cool then you have one more thing to enjoy while you are here in your Earth Suit.
As for balls hitting the water at the same time as them knees..?

When I have jumped into the fjords and it is cold, I usually have 3 Adam’s apples and don’t see my nuts again for a good few hours.