Dave Shepard
Square peg, round world.
No. I just put on the insulated bibs, and keep moving.
That's probably true. One thing that I think helps is to wear a swim shirt "sun protection" when you dunk. It lessens the sharp cold bite just enough to keep you from screaming. I'm too manly to scream but you get the drift. @cory dunking in his banana suit is a whole nuther level.I already know I'm going to hate it. It's easier to be miserable at home.
I don't know, but it could have the opposite effect.I have no medical reasoning for this but in my mind your blood vessels are constricted by the cold (fact) and warming them up quickly could cause a pressure spike. I could be completely wrong but makes sense to me.
While thinking about California's water shortageI'm looking forward to my hot shower later. Did dishes, so the water heater's primed. Probably stay in til the water starts cooling off :^D