Cold showers

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Maybe the next step is to join an ice swimming club 'stead o just sitting there like a lump, freezing:lol::lol:
i have been plunging since july. I just use a grizzly 450 cooler. Holds temp real nice. Hard to get colder then 34 truthfully unless you add salt or something. 12 min a week is all you need below 50. I find the mental battle pre plunge is the worst. after 30sec its usually no problem. 5min in the morning . Before work its a challenge at 415am when its 20 degrees out. I do feel better physically and mentally when I do it. I dont think it fixes everything though.
Excellent overall viewpoint, good info, thanks.

Good perspective coming from a medical professional
I might be going crazy

:dude: :big-not-worthy:🔥:drink:

Imo there's basically 2.

1) Rubbermaid stock tank. It's inexpensive and more or less indestructible. All winter long it, of course, it needs no ice added. You may need an inexpensive tank heater to keep it from freezing up.
For summer, and late spring/early fall, you'll have to add ice to get it below 50*. There are various methods for doing that. Over time, some folks find the ice making process burdensome.

2) Grizzly 450 cooler (see @No_Bivy above), it fits you and The Mrs. ;) :D. Being a cooler, it keeps ice far longer than the Rubbermaid stock tank so that can take some of the hassle out of ice making. @treebilly just got one I believe. @brendonv has one and loves it, and he's a gear guru. If you don't want to bother making any of your own ice, you can install a plug-in chiller.

You can shop around, find sales, etc.

Be prepared to See God.

(Stephen Wright: When God does acid, does he see people?)
I gotta get into LI Sound, pronto.

The water will feel freezing / baltic. You would have to be insane or getting paid to want to get in water this cold! If you do make sure you are wearing a top end drysuit and all the accessories."

It is 3* below the average minimum for February, and since December it has been below average temperature, after having been well above average all summer long. :dude:
I wonder about that. My place has been hovering around 50° since christmas. Lowest I've seen is 44° at the thermostat, so probably 40°-42° in my bedroom. I wonder if that has any effect one way or another? I know it's gotten me more used to cooler temps. Get home from work, look at the thermostat(50°), and think "Eh, I'll light a fire later".
I cannot function indoors at that temp. I scored a couple jugs of diesel earlier. It's above 50⁰ now. I'm pretty cold hardened at this point for working outdoors, but I need to be able to get my core temp back up at the end of the day.
Don't get wrong. I'm sitting next to the woodstove right now, but it doesn't do a great job heating a long rancher. Feels good next to the stove, but makes it colder going to other parts of the house.
That is just too cold for my comfort indoors. If our house on the main floor is less than 60 degrees first thing in the morning, I'm not satisfied with the burn I set up for overnight in the woodstove. It generally isn't much different upstairs in the bedroom than downstairs in the living room at that time of day.

If I have adequately fueled the stove just before bedtime, it will take very cold temps (low teens and below) outdoors to drop the house to less than 60.
I just got the grizzly 450 yesterday. It’s big and I like it. Filled last night and put my ice jugs in. Had 36 F this morning. Tossed half of them back in ( still pretty frozen) and the water temp is now 33F while the jugs still have ice in them. I purposely left the heat on in my garage today to see if the cooler keeps up. It does. I had a galvanized stock tank that served me well but keeping temps sucked. Has been to cold here to keep outside for a while and being uninsulated, it worked against heating my garage. The heater would warm the water and the cold water would make the heater work harder. Summer was ok with the tub until the ice machine at work broke. Then with all my jugs I couldn’t get it to my desired temp of 40F. Should be set for now. Some day I’d like to get an Morozko or Blue Cube but that would mean I’d need to win the lottery or magically end up with JR money.
Next on my list is a sauna.
The Eddy Barrel Sauna -
Gonna be a while
Yea, I was considering building something & adding a power chiller, but the convenience of something readybuilt is nice.

What about Polar Dive USA? More affordable, but lower power & less durable. Some reviews look fake, though.
Not sure about other brands but there are alot of them that have started up. Warrior is another.

You should probably start cheap in case you hate it. It is a cold winter, how bout going in a nearby creek, river or lake?
We all hate getting in. And we all love the following euphoria
I cannot function indoors at that temp. I scored a couple jugs of diesel earlier. It's above 50⁰ now. I'm pretty cold hardened at this point for working outdoors, but I need to be able to get my core temp back up at the end of the day.
So you have a stove set-up at the mill for hot food and drinks?