"Bringing in New Members: What all of us can do"


Nick from Ohio
Nov 25, 2011
Indianapolis / Cleveland
The TreeHouse needs people. I personally try to do everything I can to encourage participation, make new content, welcome people, and contribute to a friendly atmosphere. There is more that everyone, myself included can do...

Here is one idea, it would be great to hear what others think.

One thing that everyone can do is try and title threads better. I try, but am guilty too sometimes. The search engines and spider bots index everything on the net.. when someone searches for a specific set of words the robots compare it to the indexing...

So for example titling a thread "Ringing Bells in Ohio" is much less likely to garner a search result in a major search engine for an interested user than "2013 Ohio ISA Tree Climbing Competition" or simpler even "2013 Ohio TCC"

I first found these forums by searching for product reviews. Instead of posting things in the OCGD thread, starting a thread entitled "DMM Oval Carabiner Review" will bring people to the site more than a post titled "Got a new krab, I like it!"... It might contribute to more threads and a bit more forum clutter but in the long run the positive effect on indexing should be well worth it.

Chris' new thread about the 366 engine is a good example, the title is specific to the content and will ideally be relevant in a search index. While motors dont interest me any more than SRT gadgets interest Chris its important that we have a good mix.

Ideas, thoughts?
SRT gadgets do interest me a little. I just keep forgetting to try them. Actually Ive watched more SRT videos on youtube then anyone would ever believe. Im talking LOTS.
Titling a thread properly IS important for search engines to snag something. I've never really thought about it.
Good points about titling threads. And being welcoming and friendly etc..

It would help me to know what you are focused on. What does TreeHouse need people for? To what end?

Will be happy to help, thanks for asking.
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We need to stay ahead of attrition to maintain growth. It is essential for the quality of membership, discussion, and the value of the knowledge here.
Having more topics discussed where anyone can see them before registering, I think is a good idea. We do get new people dropping by, but sticking around is a problem. If you look at the other forums with a lot of members, there are so many topics of discussion going at any given time. At the Buzz, for example, 'crane use' has so many pages of titles, it is almost ridiculous. More people means more titles, but it appears that some small aspect will get it's own title, where what initially wants to be discussed could easily get included in an already existing thread. In my case, if it is some topic on cranes, I will likely be interested, it doesn't need it's own title to get me looking, and that is often the case how it works at the treehouse. We have long running threads that contain a myriad of different topics. Personally, I like how it spreads out and become more encompassing, but that may not be the best thing for search engine discoveries, or for what younger guys are looking for or the ability to easily focus in.

Another thing quite possibly connected to this is that here has been a lot written lately on how new technology is changing people, both physically and mentally. i got interested in this subject a bit after speaking with a restaurant owner friend that hires a lot of young people part time to help out at his very successful operation. His place of business is near a university, and his part time workers are students. He says that he is having a bit of a hard time because he finds that young men now tend to move so awkwardly in the kitchen, their physical balance is rather remedial. They certainly make poor waiters, and since his restaurant is very high class around a hundred dollars a meal on up, having a certain lack of fluidity in how a person moves in front of those type of customers, is unacceptable. This seems to directly tie in with children of the new age not playing outdoors like we used to. I don't know about in other countries, but it is certainly something in the news and being discussed in my location, the physical debilitation of youngsters today. So, I started reading up on the topic, and though it is still somewhat theoretical, as far as the mental aspect goes, they seem to be finding that younger people have shorter attention spans now than before, the use of digital gadgets is making it harder for them to concentrate in the traditional way. What is happening is an easily distracted generation. Some studies have been done on isolated people living in the bush, how their attention spans and ability to concentrate on individual subjects change when they move into more urban environments, the differences were staggering, the people in the bush much more able to focus for prolonged periods on single topics. The point is, if you want to attract young people these days, offering something that is more hyper stimulating seems to be what helps pull them in. It isn't the old days anymore with us old fogeys, where one adventure lead to the next in some kind of natural evolutionary way, much greater stimulation is what is going on in today's world, younger folks seem to require it.

Perhaps I have gotten off on a tangent here, but maybe there is some connection in terms of what attracts young people. Perhaps best not lazy rolling threads. I dig the lounge theme myself, but the world has gotten to be hyper man, everything is so hyper happening at once, all the buttons at the top of the pages. :roll: Independently moving eyes like chameleons have, might lie somewhere ahead in human evolution, you will be able to watch forward and back simultaneously.

Why come here if someone could get similar information at another forum with more going on? I like to think because it is relaxed and people get along good as a result. Maybe that somewhat defeats your purpose if you are looking for a lot of individuals. It seems a bit paradoxical trying to keep what you have that is cool, and getting more participants.
We need to stay ahead of attrition to maintain growth. It is essential for the quality of membership, discussion, and the value of the knowledge here.

Ok, I can see that.

I came here (and to other forums) primarily to learn new things, and to share a few things I know that I think could be of value to others. It didn’t take long before I thought, “Man why didn’t I think to look for this before?”

I think everyone who uses a chainsaw for a living should know about TheTree House and have a chance to check it out and see if it’s for them. I counted one time and I think there were about 80 tree services in my county advertising or listed in some way. What if there were a good ‘initial contact’ piece made up and I (my wife) mailed it out to them and it gave them a chance to consider checking in? It could be a hand full of people sharing what they have gotten/get out of TTH.

If others chose to do similarly in their areas that could be one way to do a lot of targeted contacts.
How did I find the Treehouse? :?

I think I may have heard/read of it somewhere, but the reason I "came lookin'", someone from Arboristsite told me to look here for a video I was looking for(still haven't found that video :?). The reason I stayed was the treatment I received from everyone here. Also because of the relaxed and laid back "atmosphere", not to mention the amazing amount of skill and experience that is so freely shared. I like it here, I'll be stickin' around(whether you all like it or not ;) ).

I agree with the original concern that Nick opened with, needing more members. There has to be members for the site to exist. More members also stimulate growth, encourage discussion, generate more interest, give the the Treehouse more "depth", etc. I encourage others to "stop in for a visit" every chance I get.

More specific titles for the threads is a good start I think. For me, when I'm "scanning" thread titles I admit there are many I wouldn't read because I have no clue what it's about(what's a "crab"? :|:).

With all that said, I believe the Treehouse will sustain itself. From what I've seen/read/experienced here personally there's a good thing going on. :D
Butch, how about putting the two daily work threads : "How did it go today" and " Theofficial work picture thread" out in the open where non-registered users can see them.
They are really among the most interesting threads and give a good impression of the atmosphere/ camaraderie here. ( Did I spell that right?)
I just want to say I am glad to be accepted here. This was the first site where I was greeted by several members when I first posted. What about Arborist 101 and Homeowner help forums like A.S. We could come up with different titles that serve the same purpose as well as using key words. My two cents.
Butch, how about putting the two daily work threads : "How did it go today" and " Theofficial work picture thread" out in the open where non-registered users can see them.
They are really among the most interesting threads and give a good impression of the atmosphere/ camaraderie here. ( Did I spell that right?)

Good idea!
Butch, how about putting the two daily work threads : "How did it go today" and " Theofficial work picture thread" out in the open where non-registered users can see them.
They are really among the most interesting threads and give a good impression of the atmosphere/ camaraderie here. ( Did I spell that right?)

I agree stig those are welcoming threads!
I can move the one thread, but the pictures thread was moved to a members only forum because lurkers and spammers were overloading the server.

I have been reading forums for less than a year, posting for a few months. Some of the stuff I read, mostly on other sites, I think - really. If you were about to do a days work with this person, count on them for personal safety, for productivity, you would talk to them that way? Really?

I could see more people stepping into using forums more readily if there were an overt culture of respect. Of course I think forums in general (that I have seen) are under utilized, and may well take big jumps in enrollment. Because I think this I also think this thread could become at some point a part of the ‘bring on more members’ thread if Butch saw merit in it. All this concentration of information and that few people making use of it?