Dormant hero!!
does .33 cents include ceu's and the costs associated with them?
If'n i remember my history right; sir Guy was the 6th one, 1st American?
I hear ya, chickadee. A CA gets WAY too much juice. Almost everywhere I go it is the be all and end all of tree knowhow. (Glad you are making money though!) But that is changing--see Nov TCI mag.Some day I'd like to earn my BCMA. It'd make me feel more like I actually earned all the money I've made over the years by just having a CA #.
Nomsayin ?!?
Good point on the chemicals, Paul. Maybe they will use the scientific names instead!
...i was thinking asca consulting arb would be pretty cool myself
And something to the effect of "journal of arboriculture January 1979 to current" 😂Indeed. All we had back then was the Certified Arborist Study Guide. The BCMA test is a totally different format.
I took the test this morning. It was difficult but I passed.