General Purpose
Ground speed on the SC252 is pretty tortoise-like, so to have a tracked lift slower is not our cup of tea. NiftyLift at 5MPH is a good bit quicker (more in line with a mini skid).
Wow, that's a lot for that reach. Not sure what it's like there but here our utility companies have scores of trucks with lifts in that range and are selling them affordable at auction continuously.
Why would you say not made that well? Seems most it not all booms and trucks have a lot more than five years in them.
For what it is worth, greg good bought an ommelift and is very pleased with it.
Imcorrect. Standard bucket heights were determined by transmission wire heights and standard 'offsets' of the truck working position to the transmission wiresThis is why most tree buckets are 50-60' working height. For most of the country there's no reason for anything taller.
I think his is a 100'er and that's a LOT of stick for Wisco trees. That's hand pruner at the very tips of 99% of the trees here. I do see some trees in the 130'-140' range around the lakes but only in the deep old money controlled stands. Mostly white pine and hemlock and a hand full of oaks red and white.
From what I've heard they are pretty noodle like at that height.
That's the cycle we live in continually. I guess we need to step back and do a realistic assessment of how many of our jobs are no bucket access.Just when I think I could use a lift of my own I get a run of jobs with no access.