August Hunicke Videos

I've never thought about Skype. I'm not much of a technology guy... Plus it seems like once I get going in the morning I don't stop until the day is over. The day just seems to fly by when I'm at work. Do you use Skype now? I wonder how quick it is to connect a call with someone on that?

My partner does have a wife and a 4yo daughter, and another on the way in 2 months.

The power wagon is awesome. Much more useful than I ever imagined. I'm kind of surprised more tree guys don't have them. And, the best part is that the kids love riding on the thing.

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Will you post a picture of this power wagon? I thought you were talking about a Dodge.
Sorry to totally derail your thread August.... I'll find a pic tho.

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Did those work? They're not showing on my phone.

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Great Video August,
Truly from the heart. Just watched it a second time with my son who is 9. He just started learning climbing. He left me a note the other day thanking me for everything I have done for him and said that he can't wait till he is old enough to go to work with me. (part of me wants him to do something else easier, part of me wants him to work with me when its time)
Great Video August,
Truly from the heart. Just watched it a second time with my son who is 9. He just started learning climbing. He left me a note the other day thanking me for everything I have done for him and said that he can't wait till he is old enough to go to work with me. (part of me wants him to do something else easier, part of me wants him to work with me when its time)

Wow, so cool to get a note like that! Leave him one too now, those are the little things that last.
Funny, I got to see the video now with the sound, and your soundtrack was Cat Stevens.

Video is always better with a soundtrack. Keep 'em coming!

Pretty cool that the imagery on silent made you think of the song that was actually playing.
So much great feedback from this video, I appreciate the encouragement everyone. Thanks.
Truthfully, it was the video and Erik's comment that he is pretty sure that later he's going to regret these years when his kids are young.
Didn't mean to derail, just caught me when he said that. My dad always worked super hard to 'get ahead' and 'provide'. As a '70's divorced family, we only saw him every other weekend, and he thought that as we three boys aged, his 'time with us' would naturally come, but it didn't. He got sick with Parkingson's by the time I was a teenager. My grand parents worked all the time, looking forward to the "golden years", GP and GM died within 2 days of each other, two years after GP retired, when I was very little. You know when the Golden Years are...right, now, and now, and now.

People often get excited about their kids coming to work with them someday, and of course we want our kids to be proud, and we are all hard workers and get it done, and sacrifice time away from them. Its important to instill a work ethic, and skills, and also, to play in the dirt if the kids want to play in the dirt, or have a tea party and giggle.

Erik is lining out his gear nicely. Just that nobody is going to give too much of a shit about things with a back injury. The power moving is great. Getting away from the manual lifting is more of what is going to leave us our bodies in shape for ourselves and our families. I have young backs to use, and hire tools at times. Erik and business partner avoid employees and their headaches, but that leaves nobody to do the lifting forever except them, and its the miles, and the years put together that add up (he types with a heating pad on the tight muscles in his back, loosening them up for the day).
D really likes to be held on the left side, so my right side tightens up, then I climb trees and help on the ground as needed, until...).
Latest August Hunicke video. . .

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And another good one, Mr. August. The slo-mo of the rope snaking around, shot from the ground up, was a good section. The last divot to the camera was a hoorah!! Cool to see that.
I might of asked this before, but is the audio native? If so it has improved dramatically from the earlier hero versions.

GoPro cameras are typically used in a completely air tight waterproof case. That is what effects the sound negatively. I switched to an open back case because I figure I'm being crazy with them anyway, I may as well let some dust in. Thus sound improved. They also now sell a case that is just a simple frame, offering complete exposure to sound. That will be my next purchase.