August Hunicke Videos

Bad Trees II

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I think most of us look up and think "no problem". Then you get up there and the whole plan goes to hell. Improvise, adapt, and overcome. You rocked another nasty one August.
"Breadstick", I like it, perfect word for that condition of wood. What's the gear on your wrists? Anti sawdust, wrist support maybe?

Oh so true about bidding. Sometimes you feel you only get the underpriced ones.
Thanks guys, I'll respond more later. . .

I've pissed off a few under experienced over opinionated people with this last video elsewhere. Wearisome.

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I liked it...totally understand the tendency to underestimate the time a job will take.

Hey, August...wear your seatbelt...please.:D
"Breadstick", I like it, perfect word for that condition of wood. What's the gear on your wrists? Anti sawdust, wrist support maybe?

Oh so true about bidding. Sometimes you feel you only get the underpriced ones.
The shopping-around customer wins on those.
Nah Cory, I tried the tree stuff pirate matey things for sweat bands. Works okay for wiping sweat but gets pretty destroyed by the sawdust for using on the camera lens.

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Meaning Blake? Or treehouse or vid style or all above?

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I liked the vid style, man goes up to tree, grumbles about how it's more rotten than he thought, does tree, grumbles that he's underpriced it (and that it's more rotten than he thought!) drives off, grumbles about his wife.
It's classic stuff, genuinely loved it.
Another nice vid Aug. Hearing someone as experienced as you grumble about underbidding makes me feel a lot better about my atrocious bidding track record.
Fine video as usual.
Please think of us hearing impaired old loggers out here in the audience and make up your mind if you want to yak or play music!
When you do both at the same time, it makes it REALLY hard ( Read: impossible) to pick up what you're saying.