That was so cool August. I gotta watch that again. Insane jealous over your 200t. Don't see to many with that kind of compression anymore. You got a new jug and piston in that pig?
This one really scared me brother. F the picnic table and tear that shit out from the safety of the ground. Set up some deflector ropes, horizontals over the picnic. babies need their popa
From where I sit any ways.
Ya thats cool I understand now.
Soaring in from above
talons out stretched
unsuspecting victim
a world of confidence in whirl of saw chips
Makes sense now.
That aside My weakness is the blue haired beauties. I never really got to spend much time with my grandparents
so they always get the best of me. Last week worked near 6hrs for 250 bucks. Endless cycle being a sucker.
But I must have a small army of grandmas prayers with me some days.
Cheers big ears
I think I must've been huffing paint or something the day I bid the job. It looked like the easiest thing I ever saw in the world so I told him $900 LOL.
Had to haul all the wood and everything. Can't give Cottonwood away.
I do that a lot, everything looks easy to me when I'm bidding. I need a salesman. Anyway the point is, I was like "this is good enough let's put it on the ground."
I wanted some inertia to do the work of getting as much of that thing out of those other two trees as possible.
So, anyway there's a little background of the job, useless trivia LOL.
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