August Hunicke Videos

It never gets old watching you and your crew do tree work I always learn something. I really enjoy watching how you rig and move through the job.
I like the way your cribbing is always excellently set up.

Hey, awhile back you mentioned you would do something re one-handed put away on the small saws. Fairly small topic buy yeh I'd love to see your input on it, thanks for considering
Yeah I've been thinking about that too, you have an ideal setup from watching you, but i can't tell what it is.
And it changes. Basically I’ve just a ton of practice hanging thing up. Currently I use a lg caritool that has the hook cut off of it. A hungry hook off the harness and a fairly rigid carabiner off the back of the saw is handy for quickness.
And it changes. Basically I’ve just a ton of practice hanging thing up. Currently I use a lg caritool that has the hook cut off of it. A hungry hook off the harness and a fairly rigid carabiner off the back of the saw is handy for quickness.

Fairly rigid biner- yes I think that's key, how do you make it rigid. Ive tried lots of things, haven't found an excellent solution yet
Thanks, FC, ya I was in a mood 🤷🏼‍♂️ The videos make themselves really.
Cory I mostly run them floppy and use micro-tactile adjustments mid-fray as I’m hanging them up. When I do doctor them up it’s with electrical tape and zip ties and such 😁
Ok, thanks for the info, August.

The carritool mod you mentioned, do you remove the keeper latch so there is no impediment to stowing?
I use a Kong Paddle biner (about the size/ shape of a Caritool) and use electrical tape to keep the gate open when I want it open (almost always), but can go back if I want. Gives versatility to the biner.
I use a large pretzel Crab clipped to the end loop on the lanyard and then onto the saw. As you finish the cut, I tend to throw the saw, catch it at the Krab or just after, then you basically have a hold to clip away.

I also use a L caritool but have left the gate on. You hear the click and know the saw in stowed. When retrieving it I just hold the krab and reverse the prices or movement you put it in with, a slight twist you can actually open the wire gate with the krab.

It is all a one handed motion.
Never could get comfortable with saw right on my hip. It just hangs a little below my feet. Sometimes I gotta toss it through a union before me or pull it after me but that takes 2 seconds. Around 5 feet of 3/8” 3 strand and a Kong HMS screw gate that fits any handle.
I’ll clip it close if I’m going for a swing, so it doesn’t pendulum around and clobber me, but otherwise it’s fine to let it hang out down there.
Same with lanyard tails. Don’t bother me one bit to drag 20’ of tail around up there.
Different strokes I guess. I picked up all my trainer’s habits and got comfortable with them.
Ya Cory I remove the gate. Lg caritool with gate gone and bottom jaw cut shorter is my current go to.
Comparing vault to transporter. . . The transporter has an easier to hit underbite. It’s shallower as well and has a gate that’s easier to depress and retrieve from than the vault. The vault is voluminous tho and thus better as a storage biner or the odd things (on my left.)