August Hunicke Videos

Hitches retain more rope strength than knots. That percentage can change with rope angles as well. The RB is perfectly fine though. I do find it easier to adjust the spiderleg length with a cow hitch though.
Also I would have thought the bend radius on the RB to be greater than on a Cow Hitch.

Whenever I have seen destruction testing and a RB is being used it generally melts through the rope at the tight bend (the one going around the back of the tree).
I’ve had bowlines break at the bite on the around the tree part and cut through the running part of the RB. Depends on the rigging setup. In negative rigging it tends to be the bite that has the running end pass through. Goes a little loose till gravity takes over? With a cow hitch I can pretty much keep it tight. Not really relative to the crane though. It should be pretensioned to snug
True Cory, unless you are using amsteel, right? Knots in amsteel greatly weaken the rope, where a cows hitch really doesn't have any force by the time you get to the half hitches... in pipe construction we use a form of the cow hitch called a boiler hitch to lift pipe with as little headroom as possible.

Do you have a pic of said boiler hitch? Please!
I have seen logging pics that use a hitch of some sort with chains pulling cables and have had several time that would have come in handy.
I'll start a thread, ironically Google is being useless trying to find it, which is very odd. It's really simple, but handy because you can use either a slip hook or a grab hook to make a nice cinching knot, and it doesn't do a side load on the hook like a regular choker does. They have "banned" it, but many people including myself use it extensively because it's safer than alternatives. It's snowing hard here, and i have to drive in to work shortly, but I'll do one.
August, I forgot you have a load cell and have studied weight and force with data.

Myself, and most people have to guess weights, and guess where we are in relation to actual SWL, or how much past this semi- arbitrary number (conveniently 10%, not 9.6543% or 12.5%).

You were there. From here, guessing, it looked more than 1800 pounds ON A LITTLE SCREEN, 600 miles away.
Yeah, it looks like more in the video. But yeah, scrutinized it according to wood density and the whole bit.
Imo you should lose the 2 part line. But you are probably just waiting to acquire the right ball.
It depends on the crane tho, sometimes 2 part is better on the chart, which helps. I understand that trees are different from my experience per se, but more is usually mo betta....
Am I wrong in thinking a two part line just slows things down? The weight capacity is only greater when short sticking or near vertical right? Basically the two part is for when the lifting capacity is above cable strength if I’m thinking clear. Kinda the same as double block rigging. Max load at radius should be pretty close either way