Quick story, so my wife and I both have the same samsung phones and they are both connected to the same gmail account so that we can share contacts, calendar, etc. This is also the same email that I have for my Youtube account, which means that all of my Youtube notifications go to her phone as well.
So, this afternoon, on my way back from the dump, she texts me, "Just watched August's new video...I have questions...". Now I'm thinking "what the heck are you talking about? Since when do you watch arborist videos on Youtube?". Then she says, "I'll ask when you get home". I'm puzzled at this point.
So when I get home, she says "so on this new video, he throws his rope over to that other tree, and then what happens with it? How is he tied in to that tree?". So then I have to explain about the base tie and SRT setup that you're using... And then she's like "man, he is so fast flinging that saw around, he's a wildman. He sure is comfortable up there!".
Anyway, the whole thing was so unexpected. I don't think she's asked me a question about tree climbing in 6 years or something...