August Hunicke Videos

Not sure yet. If I call rayco Ron and he doesn't answer I'll be pissed. That man is the most dedicated salesman I've ever met. He could be down right annoying at times but knows his shit. Now that I own two of their grinders, he's a great person to know. I can call him tonight and he will deliver teeth to my house tomorrow morning. Time will tell Cory. Morbark couldn't make a stumpgrinder that was worth a damn so the next step is to buy a company that can.
Still wished I knew August and Samari Joe were in town. I was actually off because of road conditions and would've gladly bought lunch. A lot of restaurants within a few miles of arbortech. And the college of wooster, OSU branch is almost right next door. They have an awesome campus and tree program. I recently attended a class there and was dumbfounded by the effort the school puts into it. It's pretty amazing.
Of all the comments on this video giving locale. Wooster had the most. It was late at night when we got there though and we were leaving in the morning.
I made that video in Wooster in the motel and then uploaded and promptly drove off.
We will be coming up on Nebraska soon here tonight.

that must be awesome. Great, big trees can be found on a lot of long established campuses, Ive seen beauts at Yale, UVA, Johns Hopkins, Princeton.
First cable I saw was in a large sycamore on University of Illinois campus. Never forgot.

LONG horizontal with a diagonal cable

Urbana- Champaign is home to u of I, and ISA.
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Curious how he blew that hose? It didn't look like it was hooked on anything, it just looked like it popped. Must have damaged it somehow because a new hose on a new machine shouldn't just blow because of pressure.
Curious how he blew that hose? It didn't look like it was hooked on anything, it just looked like it popped. Must have damaged it somehow because a new hose on a new machine shouldn't just blow because of pressure.

Used machine, weak hose

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Road salt= no good

They started using road salt and magnesium cloride on are highways and it eats vehicles and kills trees. It was very evident this summer by the brown needled trees lining both sides of the highways. I'm not sure how they get away with it but a lot of our highways parallel rivers and that stuff goes right into the water. Maybe because it's a natural salt...

Fun video, to bad you're avoiding Idaho like the plague. ;)
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