Can you guess this wood? one of my favorites
I thought I knew all the hardwoods on the west coast, but that's a tough one..... it has some of the characteristics of Cherry, but the real pink color in it...I dunno... Yeah, guess I'll say Cherry, but it's probably wrong.
Kind offer on the Claro, Dave, I'll sure keep it in mind.
Interesting theory, Steve, about the longevity shortened by "burn out" Frequent pruning, and also pesticides a factor? I don't know about Walnut, but the apple growers in these parts spray heavily and frequently, such that it's become a sort of warfare between them and the creeping in development people, who are always pissing and moaning about the pesticides blowing over and contaminating their laundry on the line. They built their houses years after the orchards were put in, and then they want to complain. :roll: I haven't heard mention of it shortening the life of trees, but some pretty potent chemicals in use, for sure.
I think that wind may be a factor in grain figure, so perhaps the orchard trees are more shielded in that regard, compared to the wild ones?
Thanks a lot for the kudos on the woodwork. I think the bottom line to doing good work, getting things flat with the best possible surface, is knowing how to hand plane. Working up through the coarser to finer grits with a sander, or even by hand, just doesn't cut it compared to a well done hand planed surface, with no tear out or irregularities, no scratches left from sanding, it's about as perfect a surface as you can achieve, That's where knowing how to sharpen really comes into play, and the wood seems pleased to show it's depths of beauty....I'm sounding like a salesman