Animated GIFS THREE! (Not Phone Safe)

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Did somebody spray oil on the track right there.
Almost looks like a practical joke.
Maybe a bike further ahead lost a fuel line or blew a gasket.

My old supervisor said he lost a fuel line, and surfed the bucket truck on a narrow, windy road. Change the drawers-style.
I wish I could follow our evolution.

Alas, I will be not around.

I bet, it we don't destroy ourselves, we will do Great Things.
I can't believe how fast it sets down!
They can't delay the landing too long over the barge, there's barely enough fuel left for the return. That would impair the payload and the money is here.
Sure, but the payload is on the top at the beginning. If you spare some fuel for the end, you have less to push the thing up. So, either the commercial load won't climb as high, or it has to be lighter.
Therefor, less money in the pocket.
Melissa McCarthy as Spicer driving a podium in NY City is probably one of the funniest things I have seen. You don't even need sound to laugh.
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