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MB, been to lots of hot springs, but never that one. It looks inviting.

Here is one I particularly like. The water is white. It's a little over an hour way close to a national park. All that rough looking stuff around the pool is mineral deposit. It's at an inn. A nice place to stay.


  • typical-japanese-rotenburo-hotspring-onsen-this-is-in-shirahone-onsen-E56ER8.jpg
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It's way south. Maybe ten-twelve hours by car or so. Lots of springs along that side of the country long the coast. North of me lots too. Spring content can really vary, from white colored water to rusty looking to even black. It's all good pretty much, but if someone has sensitive skin they might have to be careful at some places. You shouldn't have consumed too much alcohol before going into one either.
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