Animated GIFS THREE! (Not Phone Safe)

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Yes, and it did the first 10 or 20 times.

Not now, it seems.

It wouldn't surprise me to eventually seeing that happening they way we see helos landing on the top of hospitals/skyscrapers.

Nothing to it! :beer:

Just gotta have faith in our eventual smarts!
We (us humans) are the universe merely enjoying a brief bit of concious reality.

There is no real death... life is just a cool thing that happens to the lucky ones.

We are the lucky ones, and I bet a nickel it gets even better.

(That's about half me, half Carl Sagan....)
Ha! I am way more hip than you might think.

I know things like ermahgerd, fo' shizzle, uh......well, actually thats about it.

I once told a kid his pickup did not have enough power to pull his pecker out of a lard pail.......but thats probably not real popular with the kids today.
Shit use a soda can, apple, or a 1/4" deep socket but using your nose as a piece is taking it a little far IMO.
Jay I think they act as a pre filter of sorts.
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