Animated GIFS THREE! (Not Phone Safe)

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I can't imagine this much snow.


I agree, Bruce was the best. But I think that was Jackie Chan.

Yea, that was Jackie. Bruce never (probably couldn't) did those stunts.

Jackie is super cool and worked many times with Bruce.

Ah, I think the hair should have given it away if I'd been paying proper attention :).

As to if Bruce Lee could or could not do stunts of that nature...I wouldn't want to bet against it. But I'll agree, Jackie Chan in his prime was talented beyond most any measure.
Dang, I don't check this thread much anymore cuz it makes my puter go nuts, but that explosion thing was awesome. For strip mining I'm guessing??

Yeah that gator thing is dumb. Even if the gator has been somehow rendered safe it just isn't smart to do or at least show online imo.
Dang, I don't check this thread much anymore cuz it makes my puter go nuts, but that explosion thing was awesome. For strip mining I'm guessing??

Yeah that gator thing is dumb. Even if the gator has been somehow rendered safe it just isn't smart to do or at least show online imo.

Pipe line installation.
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