Animated GIFS THREE! (Not Phone Safe)

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You shoulda stood your ground, getting your eyes pecked by a huge, smelly beak is surprisingly pleasant.
I'll never forget meeting that bird. I am quite fearless of most animals, and that confidence in itself gives me control in most all instances. I went into the barn with that bird and man oh man, I wasn't feeling fearless, let's put it that way. That head weaving and bobbing on that big snake neck and the feet! Those suckers are serious business espescially the big alpha males.
You guys are awesome!

One of the most fearsome animals I've ever encountered, even if he was on the opposite side of a chain link fence, was a big, burly hyena, he was in a large backyard zoo in Maine. The zoo owner rescued him from a basement in Jersey which he had outgrown along with his welcome there from his original owners. He said he had to go into the basement and establish dominance by showing zero fear even though he was feeling plenty. He said he and the beast were facing each other and it jabbed it's muzzle out and hit the guy in his chest with it, guy said it was like getting punched by Mohammed Ali. But they more or less settled in together after that, he took him out of the basement on a leash. When I was at the zoo watching, they went and got him a live chicken which they killed by smacking it against a tree trunk and then threw it in the pen and the monster ate it, feathers, feet, and all, crunch, crunch, crunch. It was spellbinding.
Cool dog set up.

Lordy, imagine all the taunting, stabbing, etc they did to that bull to get him that crazy
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