alternatives in land use

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It is the speed in which these changes are occuring which is mind boggling. The fact that individual sequoias in California have survived and grown for 1500-2500 years and all of a sudden in the past 2 years they die. to me that is scary
I haven't heard about that one. This is turning into the doomsday thread.
Hmmmm. Interesting article.

Sometimes I wonder if things are actually getting bad, or overall, are things actually no better or worse than always, its just that it so much easier to get info these days so you are more aware of the bad stuff than you would have been in the past
Sounds familiar......comes home from a soil health conference, everyone gets sick of him talking endlessly about it, humors him by allowing him to plant cover crops! Mainly so he would shut up about it!

I had originally intended about 600 acres of covers. My screwball plans sessions in the feeding and farming tractors has raised that to about 1000. So spring and some fall seeded.

Anyone got 80 G's laying around to invest in a disc drill?

(we farmed yesterday and today)
Why not do a Go Fund Me thing for the drill??? I bet a lot of rich greenies would jump on board and you'd have your money in 2 or 3 weeks. You would just have to pitch it in your unique FFZ way;)
Don't know what happened there, a bit didn't work. must be too hot.

I've seen some changes in the weather over the years, no doubt we've warmed things up a bit since the industrial revolution but I'm more with the natural cycle of things. It was all green here once, not red dirt for 70%, be nice to see that.
Don't know what happened there, a bit didn't work. must be too hot.

I've seen some changes in the weather over the years, no doubt we've warmed things up a bit since the industrial revolution but I'm more with the natural cycle of things. It was all green here once, not red dirt for 70%, be nice to see that.

So is desertification and deforestation, which are clearly caused by mans activoties but not nessesarily CO2, not part of climate change? Like if we cut down our shade tree and it gets hot, can we call it just a natural cycle?
We didn't cut down many trees before nature decided we weren't wanted. Once this was a rainforest, a bit before they decided to build there though.

So is desertification and deforestation, which are clearly caused by mans activoties...

There are large portions of the earth that are deforested deserts. One fifth of the earth's surface, in fact, and on every continent. For most of the time the earth has been in existence, it has been ice free. Could it be that the thought of global warming is just beyond our frame of reference and not abnormal at all? We would do well to stop stressing about things that we "speculate" and focus on what we know.

We do not know what will be the consequence of the CO2 we have contributed to the atmosphere, we can only speculate. What we do know is how it got there. It makes far more sense to work on a known problem than waste time on what might be.

CO2 is a component of life, excess CO2 is an indicator of the misuse of resources.
Agree with that bit about speculation.
Fearsome projections about what's gonna happen 50 years in the future. Makes for great attention-getting headlines.
Heck, look at a 1960 Popular Mechanics and we are s'posed to have colonies on Mars by now, and all be commuting to work in little personal gyrocopters. Only electric or hydrogen powered vehicles cause there was gonna be no more oil...
I think science has progressed by leaps and bounds since 1960, pre-man on moon, and all that.

Anybody could tell you that gyrocoptors are ridiculous as an efficient way of transport. Fighting gravity all day by pressing against air with blades. Look at today's rolling 'hoverboards', though. Wheels pressing on the ground, bearing all the weight, just accelerate the mass in one plane.
I think science has progressed by leaps and bounds since 1960, pre-man on moon, and all that....

It has indeed, but it has also become arrogant. Far too many stand on the shoulders of great minds. They read and regurgitate forgetting that much of what has been stated as fact started out as, we think we know. Some has been proven but much has not. But we still wait on bated breath to hear from these mystics what the real truth is which we seem incapable of seeing on our own.
My other take on global warming and freezing cycles is as such.
Early in our development as a species, we also were migratory in chasing weather and food. These days, not so much. We root into a place and stay or move to cities etc.
Our ancestors took advantage of change to move about and resettle in greener pastures.
We are also hurting our mother earth with our over population of the planet and the waste of carbon based resources.
I also doubt that whatever we do in our capacity to do anything, will change the ultimate outcome of a warming o freezing trend of our planet. Might slow it down some... but mother earth and the universe has the reigns. Not, as we would hope, us. We strive for control in an existence in a universe that finds it's order through chaos.. Good luck humans. Dinosaurs made it a long time between 248 band 65 million years. Humans, well..... see what happens.
Good post.

Btw, lotta folks are up in arms about global warming. I wonder, if there were a choice, which would be 'worse', global warming or cooling? I'm guessing cooling would be worse as it would seem easier to survive warming than cooling/freezing.
It froze up for me when I went Advanced to check it, so I just clicked submit and it came up without the last line and no Edit options.

I can see the page ok, tried another browser and it works but still doesn't have the options thing.:scratch:

The movie was Beasts of the Southern Wild. It's about the coastal erosion of southern Louisiana.

The true story is here
Stig can't get in this thread at all: he probably isn't the only one.

The only way I could get in was to find all your posts, go to the last one you posted in here and click on that.
I was able to get in by going to new posts and clicking the the thread, no problem.