alternatives in land use

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I think you may misunderstand me Stig.
I agree that we are in a warming trend, global warming.
I do not agree with ever little thing they bring to the table that keeps on adding it up to friggin' cow farts plus.
Man may have helped it a long a little, but this is nothing new for mother nature. We are but fleas on her back.

We are a metric-fuckton of heavy hitting fleas harnessing huge machines. If there were no powered machines, I think we would be more like 7,000,000,000 fleas. Still too many fleas.
Nobody (politicians, or scientists) know what this world is gonna be like in 5 or 10 years, but otherwise intelligent (or not do intelligent) folk buy into these dire predictions of how things will be 50 or 100 years from now......the temperature is gonna rise by so many degrees, and the sea levels are gonna go up so many inches or feet, etc.
The scary thing to me is not the predictions bUT that the temperature IS rising so many degrees and the oceans ARE rising so many feet. The predictions can be whatev but then look what HAS occurred and what IS ocurring.
I was watching a nature documentary about the Artic. They mentioned how the US and Russian (whatever its called now, properly) militaries have been monitoring Arctic sea ice for a long time as relates to submarines being able to surface. The polar route is the shortest between US and Russia.

Sounds like they are finding that it is half as thick as it was in decades past. I don't have details past that.

The documentary was basically talking about the tie between seasonally changing sea ice and hunting methods between polar bears, seals, Inuit, etc. Things are going badly for polar bears.
re. the oceans rising so many annual average rise (over the last 20 years) of 3.2mm just isn't too scary. (unless you are a scientist seeking government funding)
There are a lot of those mm in several feet. I dunno how many, but it is a lot!!!
"How much has the global temperature risen since 1880? Averaged over all land and ocean surfaces, temperatures warmed roughly 1.53 degrees Fahrenheit (0.85 degrees Celsius) from 1880 to 2012, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change"

........not even two degrees in more than a century! (but humans are makin' it happen!)
Anyone thirsty for some grape Kool Aid?
The do the same thing on a Reservation School over here. Back east they show pictures of starving Indians so that they can get huge donations.

They out a picture of a bleeding polar bear on a coke can and make millions. Think any of that goes to the needy polar bear families? Shit no. Daddy polar bear is working two jobs and mamma polar bear has a gambling problem.
Today's weather for my little piece of the world:
Flurries and local snow squalls. Local amount 15 cm. Wind southwest 20 km/h gusting to 40 becoming northwest 20 gusting to 40 this afternoon. High minus 7 with temperature falling to minus 15 this afternoon.
Tonight Flurries and local snow squalls ending this evening then clearing. Wind northwest 20 km/h gusting to 40. Low minus 31. Wind chill minus 43.
We can't all be so lucky, MB!
Cory - did you happen to read some of the comments that are found under that story?
Some pretty interesting observations on both sides.
I think you may misunderstand me Stig.

Nope, I was just trying to be funny after a day of logging in the mud.

We are in agreement on this.

We are in a warming period, only a fool would not see that ( Sorry if that offended some fools out there) but I don't belive mankind has much to do with it.

Natural cycle of the earth.
Has been repeated every 400000 years more or less, with warming and higher levels of Co2.

That doesn't mean I condone using up the natural resources of the planets as fast as possible, though.
But that is another discussion.
Pelorus, I read them after you mentioned it, lotta different viewpoints for sure.
60 mm in 20 years is a lot if you live in Florida or the Maldives. 1 degree is a lot spread out over the whole earth and especially if you live in Greenland or dependent on Himalayan or an dean glaciers. 100 years is nothing. Other geological changes have ocurred over 100,000s of years. Not a couple decades. Asphalt, co2, desertification, extinction. This is happening in front of our eyes and never has occurred in the history of man in such a short space of time. We are talking about milliseconds in the geological clock. In my lifetime things have changed so much.. it's a big experiment I guess.
60mm is like 2-1/2"....over a 20 year period. Or is my math bad?
Yikes! Best start building an ark if you live by the seashore.
There are all sorts of articles there, for example, the overhunting of monkeys in the amazon for bush meat is causing less dispersion of tree seeds thus causing a huge decrease in carbon fixing ability of the amazon. :wack: