alternatives in land use

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Well, he's got an undergrad degree in biochem, and Yale school of forestry is about as good as it gets afaik, so the raw materials for potential success are in place.

Gotta love how one of his favorite things is working hard all day then going hunting to try to fill that hungry belly.

Distracting to read how yet another place seemingly in the middle of nowhere is actually surrounded by encroaching mega industry.
Well, he's got an undergrad degree in biochem, and Yale school of forestry is about as good as it gets afaik, .....

Really? Where do you think all these land use and biologically improved ideas come from?
Bio chem degree indicates intelligence and ability re science. And I suppose Yale is always evolving like most everything is.

Are you saying there are better approaches to achieving the goals he has other than thru education, research, and hands-on work?
I am saying that what is being taught at the highest levels is a flawed system. Do you believe that things are working well at the moment?

My hope is that with his deep connection to the forest that he will be able to see beyond the current solutions and come up with one that will work for more than just a few decades.
Makes sense, Dave.

I'm glad y'all liked the story as much as I did.
Not here.
We have a rule about how large a percentage of a given acreage that can be growing conifers.
In order to keep forest owners from trying to turn everything into conifers in order to make a quick buck ( Quick being relative, 50 years to the 120 of hardwoods)

Communiss, nanny state tecnique, I know.

But it works!
I'm very sceptical about the BBC, Cory & take whatever they say with a large pinch of salt. They are little more than a media machine these days & I try to cross reference there stories from some other less manipulated sources.
I am not dismissing this article however, as I have not read around the subject.
Yes it is a concept I had never heard before, but it seemed topical. As discussed earlier, one always has to consider the source of information.
Personally, I take any junk science about global warming with a grain of salt.

Having just had ½ my logging season resceduled to summer logging, because our wintrers have turned from nice and frosty to mud hells, I don't.
global warming "theory" is so simple, not complex science. it makes sense and explains so much. denying it almost seems like denying the theory of gravity to me. But I also see global warming used to do do some stupid things and an excuse for centralized planning and mega projects that will lead to no good. Either way we need to keep our house clean.
Ahh, yes. The religion of climate change/global warming/ global cooling.

Biggest damn scam ever perpetrated on mankind, well that and foreign policy. The hysteria is good for making and spending money, bad for a rational discussion.

All you have to do is ask Al Gore or his other disciples why the disaster has not happened yet. Probably get lynched. Just about like asking why the hell are we still spending billions in the middle east.

We would rather scream and fight than work towards an answer. If there is an answer. In the meantime lets cut down more rain forest so the Brazilians can compete better in farming. Slash and burn baby.
Afaik, global warming is a fact, it's cause is subject to debate.
Couldn't it just be the natural cycle of the earth? Al Gore might be taken more seriously if he didn't live in a freaking mansion. Seriously, how can you tell a working class person to be more eco friendly when you're heating bill is more than they make in a year.
The disaster hasn't happened? I think we are in the middle of the disaster and it's unfolding un front of our eyes very very rapidly.
I fear you are right. I'm not supposed to be seeing spiders and flying insects out and about in jan. and feb.

But the future is unknowable. Lets hope in a few years Jim can say, 'see?? I told you so. Things are fine.'
Kevin, picture yourself shivering in Sweden in 1600.
Think of all the Swedes back then thinking like you are right now...
You've gotta have your head stuck in the sand to think human activity causes global warming or cooling.
.....The hysteria is good for making and spending money, bad for a rational discussion......

It is all about the money and always has been. It is a smoke and mirrors game. They are redirecting the focus away from the real problem. Which is the poisoning of our planet. But they can't call it "poisoning the planet" because the people pulling the strings don't want you to be concerned about that. So they give you an enemy, man made CO2.

Is that a problem, yes very much so. But it is only "a" problem, a symptom of selfish and short term gains that we are all content with. Yes I said we, because the rich and powerful depend on the collective agreement of the masses. We do like easy, fast food, lots of new shit that can collect dust or get thrown away and someone else/or thing that will do our work.

For what we have gained, we have given up a lot. The truly sad thing is we have it within our ability to do things in a way that would benefit both the earth and ourselves. Our presence on earth is not synonymous with destroying and consuming, it is our choices that make it so.