8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan!

We had our own area 6. something quake last night, a separate one, fortunately minimal damage it appears. What is going on?

Yeah, still not spring up north. I'm lucky, there is a little league game being played on the school ground across the street, seems a bit surreal. In the damaged areas the essentials are severely lacking, food, shelter, blankets and toilet paper, is what I hear being mentioned. It is like a bad dream, it doesn't at all seem that people are prepared to believe it yet. Not the slightest resemblance to before the quake hit in a lot of places, your frame of reference basically gone. I see some equipment starting to dig out a few of the more recognizable sites where groups are known to have been congregating before the thing hit, the civil defense forces beginning to move in, but the whole place is one giant disaster area, just some people trying to pick up some ends somewhere, in the least not let a sense of helplessness defeat.
Fort Bragg report: Jer was home on his computer all day sort of oblivious to the action in the harbor. I too would have thought he'd be out with his camera but he's engrossed in his work. We got a reverse 9-1-1 call at 6:30 am telling us to evacuate if we were below 150 feet. We are at 100 feet, but reports coming from Hawaii at the time stated the waves were about 7 ft max there so we decided we were fine here. I went to work in Mendocino only to find out the town was supposed to evacuate. Sheriff's dept told us we were fine to stay so we did.
All day the ocean surged tremendously. The water would go flowing out really fast and then come rushing in really fast. Fascinating to watch. It wasn't a calm, steady flow like the tide--it was a fast jumbled mass of current going every direction at once. All the low lying parts of Hwy 1 were closed so travel on the coast was totally interrupted. Our harbor suffered major damage to a couple of docks and to alot of boats. To my knowledge, the only damage sustained around here was in the harbor.
The big concern among folks is the possibility of California having a quake. We are on the opposite edge of the tectonic plate!
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Apparently a 150 mile of plate broke off and dropped forty-five feet. That will do it. The nuclear plant situation is a full blown emergency now, pressures rising, they aren't hiding the fact that it is serious. One of the most powerful nuclear power stations in the world, if it were to blow, little comparison to the much smaller Chernobyl in terms of disastrous effect. Apparently the emergency back up generators supposed to provide cooling can't get operational due to being damaged by the waves. They are talking about releasing some pressure into the atmosphere, winds are favorable to it blowing out to sea, and no risk, so stated.
It has been announced that the fuel rods at one of the nuclear plants may have melted. Ohhhhhh Man.
Plant one I believe. Plant two pressure is rising and they are continuing to release pressure into the atmosphere. Fukushima Daini nuclear power station.
That was off Live CNN affiliate stream.
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  • #95
Via Twitter, not cool.
"@Breaking News
Japan nuclear safety commission official says meltdown at nuclear power plant possible - AP"
Finally found a video during the surge here.
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/VG08lsGzoP4?version=3"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/VG08lsGzoP4?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>
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  • #100
Indeed Cursed..
Via Twitter:
@BreakingNews: Japan nuclear plant update: Several workers injured following explosion at quake-hit site - NHK