We had our own area 6. something quake last night, a separate one, fortunately minimal damage it appears. What is going on?
Yeah, still not spring up north. I'm lucky, there is a little league game being played on the school ground across the street, seems a bit surreal. In the damaged areas the essentials are severely lacking, food, shelter, blankets and toilet paper, is what I hear being mentioned. It is like a bad dream, it doesn't at all seem that people are prepared to believe it yet. Not the slightest resemblance to before the quake hit in a lot of places, your frame of reference basically gone. I see some equipment starting to dig out a few of the more recognizable sites where groups are known to have been congregating before the thing hit, the civil defense forces beginning to move in, but the whole place is one giant disaster area, just some people trying to pick up some ends somewhere, in the least not let a sense of helplessness defeat.