17 Gigapixels + Yosemite+ Fun

Pretty cool Darin, thanks. They should use that for X-games instead of those pansy wooden ramps.
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Try to count up how many people you can find in that picture.
I was trying to date the picture by the fashion but its just not clear enough, I suppose at the resolution it must be a fairly recent camera.
If you zoom out fast you can see the original picture edges ghosting a bit. Stitched together from quite a lot of images. I've counted 108 people. I'm sure there are more in the forest.
I seen this thread topic and was gonna give you a hard ass time about being out here and not calling Darin :lol:
Very cool indeed.. I think I found NoBivy climbing on the face... :lol:
There's something depressing about this level of "capture" of a wild and beautiful area. 'Course, it's equally distressing to have so many humans there in the first place.

I am an odd duck, no doubt.
To me , once they put fixed tie-ins on a rockface any wildness is gone.
Why not go the whole way and put an escalator in?
I agree it is disturbing. You go to those places to be away from people and prying eyes.

108... and that is just in the pic. Not exactly getting away from it all.