17 Gigapixels + Yosemite+ Fun

I don't know why you would think that about me. You must know me better than myself.

How about the Hubble telescope pics? Are those depressing, too?
You are right, Butch. My apologies. I have never seen any indication that you value wilderness, but that doesn't mean anything.
Always welcome here Jerry. One of my clients has also been writing a book about good places to hike up here and other places in the Sierras. See if I can get some info from her for ya :)
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Burnham, did you read the reasons behind this project? They're taking a geological snap shot in time. Its an interesting project. Yosemite has been loved to death since I first went there as a kid. If it instills a love and reverence for nature, then I think all the visitation is a good thing. As you know there are plenty of places to hike to in our wild areas to get away from the masses. Hiking out of the valley in Yosemite thins the herd quite a bit.
Yosemite is a very well managed park that goes to show in spite of the numbers of visitors it can instill a sense of wild and natural wonder.

Even the coastline where I live there is preserved many natural vistas that can instill the wonder of nature at its finest.

Look over your shoulder and then its another thing. But in the long run it is the natural views that keep us connected to nature.
Very cool link. My hike would probably pause for an hour admiring this old snag.8)


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Sorry, OM...I didn't read it, don't wish to really bum myself out more than already. I don't claim anyone else should follow my line of thought on this...I just hate the whole concept.