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  1. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    They're predicting good weather for the next 10 days here 8). Today I mindlessly remove a limb over a roof at one job and on the other I TD an oak that blew over into another tree, fell 4 other trees, and pull up 55' of 5' sidewalk.
  2. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    Did you try to pay ahead? :P
  3. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    I knocked out a few stumps this morning, got a wedding to go to this afternoon (not entirely thrilled by that). Yesterday I got volunteered to video it when the original guy had to go out of town or some such.
  4. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    I was thinking like Greg. It's like SRT but even less important. I set the line, preload with roughly how much I'll need to pull it over (or there abouts) and then do the face and back cut. That way I'll know if it will break out before I ever get started.
  5. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    Why not use a throwline? Cubes rock for throwing in the woods. I'm off to class, a bid, picking up steaks, coming home and going to werk! :)
  6. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    I'm home from Calc, took care of the dishwasher, now I'm back out to (hopefully) finish the tree portion of the downed oak I started yesterday, an hour's worth of grinding, a dead limb removal at 4, smash a dead pine to clean up tomorrow, and a bid near the limb removal. Tomorrow clean up the...
  7. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    Where you going? :P I've gotta clean up some broken limbs (30 minute job) then I'm off to slay 18 small trees and big bushes from a job I bid last year.
  8. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    You're outta of the chicken biz?
  9. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    Yeah yeah, amongst other things I was seeing if you were getting thy self to St Louis at the end of the month?
  10. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    THAT's the beauty of self employment. Consider working for Lewis and being like OTG. I've gotta change the fluids and fluid filters on the tractor ($304 in materials, glory!), change the oil in the 1 ton, mini, and weld up my quick tach reciever plate and I'm done for the day.
  11. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    I'm harsh? Nah, someone just needs to kick him in the nuts so he'll get more self confidence. I'll pay for it, you can pay me back whenever, interest free. Or, you can just man up.
  12. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    You bitch, buy the damn thing, I'll front you the money if need be.
  13. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    I'm done with it :) I'll grind the stumps in the morning, gotta go back and get the lift/mini and take them to the other side of town for the rest of the week. He didn't add it by saying, "Hey I added a lot more stuff to the pile that I want you to haul off, just let me know how much extra it...
  14. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    This guy quadroupled a tiny little pile of limbs into a fairly sizable pile of shit for me to haul off. If he would have told me I could have put it in the trailer before the 6 river birches and it wouldn't have been a big deal. Then again, the asshat left his sprinkler system on for me to...
  15. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    I'm werkin today, finishing up Friday's job. The dude added chit to it thus messing up my schedule for Friday (wedding rehersal, wedding Saturday). Don't know if he knows it yet but he's giving up a couple extra benji's over the original bid. Some people can't fathom: Bidded work + extra...
  16. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    The morning is completely over, it's mid afternoon and I'm headed out to chip come cedars for what should be some outstanding pay.
  17. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    Heat isn't generally recomended for the first 48 hours. The first 48 you RICE it. Rest Ice Compress Elevate Ice it for 20-30 minutes every 3-4 hours for the first two days. Per my First Aid joke of a class.
  18. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    Sweet! I'm glad you changed it, and I bet it will ride better with a full load now :)
  19. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    An impact wrench would make that job alot nicer. Jack stands are your friend :). You got a plan on how you're going to get it switched?
  20. lumberjack

    Good Morning!

    Haha congrats Jay, have a good time eh?