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  1. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    A bottle jack will work Pete ;)
  2. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Nice shots Willie, is that your 460 in action felling?
  3. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Thats that new double pulley rigging method that I think is a huge waste of time... Cant remember where I saw it, prob faceAche..Supposed to lessen the forces. Blah blah
  4. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Isnt one a pull rope?
  5. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Looks to me like its just acting as a break.
  6. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    That was a red rope that was extending the recovery of the Prism, basically the other end of the 200' rigging line :)
  7. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Nice pics Jed. Whats up with that last stump? Thats a Cody Tarzan trick if im not mistaken?
  8. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Good pic boys. Was a gorgeous day today! Felt like spring. Sun was warm and I got some VitD.
  9. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    I tried to post but it didn't appear. Chilling up a honey locust Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    No John, fraid not. But the contractor says there's an oak behind to tie into and room to fall the stick... Maybe setup the rigging in the oak too. He says there's 1 power line behind the oak. Never know till I get to site!
  11. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Damn man! So you got nada? Can't smell grill cheese or a rib eye cooking?
  12. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    So what's your fave smelling tree? Red oak? Hickory?
  13. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Kinda pissy, Jed...
  14. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Do you mean Me, Henry?:lol:
  15. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Have this dead elm on Tuesday Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Here's another from last week. 3 ailanthus. Remove all ivy to timber height and dead wood/thin. Remove the middle one, which was smothered in thick ivy and twisted and over the back yard with small trees and shrubs. not the best cameraman Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Yeh Te fences were brand new on the sides
  18. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    That was the second day Paul, I just fliplined up....Granted that stub was a little small, but I was tied in twice... Then chunked it down. But no my climbing rope goes over stubs/branches if there is one! Only when taking down a spar is when my mainline will be around the trunk. If thats what...
  19. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Nice one Ray :)
  20. mistahbenn

    The Official Work Pictures Thread

    Theres some biguns... I pruned the biggest silver maple a while back. Climbed to the top and could see the Statue of Liberty.