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  1. ruel

    How'd it go today?
  2. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    Keep that money going around local, have that dude build one!
  3. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    Drove an hour up to my friend's place in Camden ME to do some trunk injections for browntail moth. We had these moths terribly for several years in this area, but populations collapsed two years ago. I hadn't used my arborjet injection tool since then. Couldn't get it working at all today...
  4. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    Inside milling, how luxurious! How wide is that maple?
  5. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    Damn Rich, that bloody nasty! Good thing the addition is done! I helped a bunch of old folks move lumber for building bridges today. the town is making a half mile of hiking trail disabled accessible. Hiking pressure treated lumber into the woods, kinda feeling like reverse tree work
  6. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    Nice little half day, easing my way back into the working world.
  7. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    Greeted back to New England by driving into the tail end of a spring nor'Easter. Sleet snow slush rain, welcome home! Seriously looking forward to sleeping in my bed instead of the car. 40 days on the road, 12 national parks, about 12k miles, and 330 gallons of biodiesel. Can't wait to do...
  8. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    Did a 17 mile stroll into and out of the Paria canyon yesterday, very cool and peaceful. Today drove through Zion NP, very pretty rocks but too many people. Feeling like I'd like to be home, so I'm meandering my way east again
  9. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    I was thinking of Grapes of Wrath. Did some walking around Big Sur today. Beautiful rocky coastline- could've stayed at home for that. Kidding
  10. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    Monterey California has come up with a solution for clean renewable energy. First they banned overnight camping/ parking in the city to keep the rif-raff out. Then they hook up a generator to John Steinbeck's coffin as he rolls over in his grave.
  11. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    @kevin bingham Can you elaborate on tossing out your couch, what the reason was/ what benefits you've seen?
  12. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    Does MD have legal cannabis yet? CBD is really quite good for reducing inflammation/ muscle tension. you can buy It at gas stations here now, pretty convenient.
  13. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    Climbed a bit this afternoon. Backyard removal of a 12-14" maple. Everything had to be bucked up and thrown over a 4' retaining wall, and hiked over a bluestone patio. Spoiled by the Mini, haven't had to grunt wood out in a while.
  14. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    Let there be light!
  15. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    Post a picture of the sauna if you can!
  16. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    I did absolutely F all today, and really savored it.
  17. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    Love the treehouse
  18. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    @Danthetree1 can you PM me their contact info? I've always wanted to do some contact work in the Savannah area-
  19. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    The live oaks of Savannah are incredible! Looks like a really tricky climb, but you can probably get away with a really small tie in point. What are they being pruned for? Deadwood?
  20. ruel

    How'd it go today?

    Second actual snowstorm of the year here, very strange winter. Did some shoveling once it started switching over to freezing rain. Inside drinking coffee in front of the stove, kinda an ideal snow day