New profile posts

Justin... just seein' if you might swing by around here. You still got that muffler modded 361?

I had heard your book was back in print, but $36 is a real deal! The old copy that got handed down to me when folks retired is currently missing (I’m sure it will eventually show up), so I bought a new work copy and a copy for home. Thanks for sharing your hard earned knowledge!
Hey man, I know that we've been chatting for years here on The House and you told me your real name a long time ago.

Just wondering if this is Rob Thigpen?
No, good guess 🤣, but this is Pat Wisniewski, Newark, Delaware.

You kindly sent me your prototype Akimbo back when mine was stolen at Saluting Branches at the LA National Cemetery.

I’ve enjoyed your articles in TCIA mag.
Would like to head up your way and do an AIR (Arborist In Residence) for a week sometime. Last one I did was out in LA with Nick and Karina’s TreeCareLA crew.

Hey Pat, now I remember! Glad that you've liked the articles, I will be writing more.

Would love to have you come up here sometime.
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Hey, just wanted to stop by and say that I appreciate you and your posts! You seem like an interesting guy who loves anything to do with animals (based off of how many animal related videos you post). I hope you're doing well and I'm wishing you the best! Russia seems like it has rich culture, great food and impressive architecture!
Hey, we don't always see eye to eye, but I wanted to leave something on your profile page and let you know that I appreciate you and think that you're and great dude who contributes a lot to the forum. You have extensive knowledge and I appreciate you and your posts. Take care, MIck! =-D
Are you still using the throw line reel from TreeStuff?

If so, any idea of the highest you can pla e lines with whatever device?

Thanks, Merle
I have been using those for years. Had to replace them a couple times and just made my own. I put 300’ of line on it and have been able to get lines set up to 100 feet or so. They are flimsy, so if you start using it like a winch, it won’t last long. I bought a really rigid bow fishing drum that I rigged up and am just waiting to try it out.
That’s the reel I am going to try
Hey! Is it really you that logged in?
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Wondering the same thing. Did anyone at the House ever try to send him a PM? I would have thought that this was huge news. Tim.

P.S. Hey, Jay! If you are ok, could you make a post to let us all know? Or if someone else close to him found his login data, maybe you could tell us all something about his situation? Thanks in advance for any consideration.
Hey Gerry, thank you for doing what you do. I’m in south east Virginia and it’s a challenge to find a mentor in this area but your books and all the other resources have helped me learn grow and stay safe. Only in my second year of climbing. What you and Patrick Masterson have done with bringing the fundamentals back have been a huge blessing to the new arborists. God bless you sir!
Hey there Jim,

Got to talking with a musician in/from Montana and was wondering what town/city you might be closest to that's on the map.
He lives in the mountains, and if I recall correctly there are some not too far from you.

I guessed Chinook, but wasn't sure (Dunn & Bradstreet: Conrad Farms, owner Richard Conrad, inc. 1995)?

hope you're all doing well,

Yep, thats us Dave. Chinook.

North Central Montana.

Where is your friend from?
Red Lodge - south central above Yellowstone Park.
My folks were just in Redlodge.

Busy area!

Redlodge is straight south of me about 270 miles I think.

5 hours?
what's the best way to replace a worn rubber band from a big shot? easy to take off........not that easy to put on
hey Gerry thanks for writing such a great book, I keep it around me all day. as a new guy starting out it has provided me with help and advice when I needed it so thanks again. see ya around Zayen
Hey Gerry I just wanna say I got the fundamentals of tree work and it is amazing. I appreciate all you have done for the industry. Cheers and thank you!!
Yes, sir it has been. Working and also working on getting my tree bizz going. How is the weather up there?
Hey Randy, I hope all is well with you. I'm looking to buy a new 201t and have it modded. Do you buy new saws, mod them and resell or just work on saws sent to you? What mods would you recommend for that saw and what do you charge? Thanks, Ray