What could possibly be wrong with it? How could it fail? How about a used parachute? Same thing?
These things are designed for one time use, only?
I don't know how bullet proof vest are designed, really.
My point is life support items are generally not returnable, unless in new condition, and still sometimes not even then.
The wraptor is well backed up, but you don't know if the back-up life support strap was transported in a trunk with a bunch of batteries, with corrosive fumes. You are supposed to explicitly trust your life support equipment.
And as mentioned, there is no telling what kind of fuel was put into the machine, nor what type of load was up on it. It is a winch, really, and could, as was said, have been used for skidding logs.
I vote that Sherrill can accept the return for no reason, and Paul should accept defective equipment for full replacement, but not a defective judgment by the purchaser as to if he whines that it is too bulky. From my experience with it, it is not too bulky at all.