I 'climbed' 4 Doug firs for a little clean up yesterday afternoon. 80-100' TIPs. We had a break in the rain and wind. Without the Wraptor, we wouldn't have knocked it out in an afternoon, short of spiking up them, as had been done in the past. I could still see spur wounds from 8-10 years ago, peer the homeowner's recollection.
Water front property on previously topped trees that hang out over the high bank. I had to make sure not to end up to far away from the trunks.
After seeing one throw line from the ground, I set the rest from the adjacent tree, making an easy and secure rope-set. Finished pruning one dropped down to the ground, lowered out my Wraptor and Wraptor line, pulled into the next, and away I went.
Some nights I don't get as good of sleep since I'm not working during the day as hard. I'm not a great sleeper, overall. Being physically spent helps, but only sleep.