Wood Turning

Beautiful color. Has anyone turned redwood? I have some 3 1/2” x 8 1/2” planks that were a former water tank at a E. I. DuPont explosives plant nearby. Was thinking about some salad bowls for the in-laws. :D
My new apprentice is getting married next month.
She can't wear her wedding ring at work and things like that have a tendency to disappear if you just take them off and leave them by the bathroom sink.
So I resurrected my old ring box design and made one for her.

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Like these, you mean?
I made those because my wife asked, as a joke, if I was going to give her a ring, when we married.
They would be safe for work, as they break before the finger does.

Made of Boxwood.
The box is made out of 4000 year old Ancient Kauri from New Zealand.
Terri ( Mrs. B) has a pepper grinder made out of the same piece of wood.
Here's the bowl Stig so generously brought to me, back quite a few years now :).

I've decided the cheap wood lathe I have is too high, so I welded up a frame for it from left over steel from a job I did. Repurposed the tail end support as a cabinet. Now to make a turning tools holder. 20230619_130224.jpg
Got my 12" swing lathe shaft running true again after I bent the 3/4" 16tpi mount. Cut it a little smaller diameter by accident so I opted to loctite a 1"8tpi adapter on it to make it a standard size. 20230717_103341.jpg Now to weld up a regular banjo and tool rest, and make a faceplate if I can't find one cheap.