Desert Beaver
I deal with tamarix aphylla a bit down here. It's similar to cottonwood. The only indication of hardness I can find is this " The Janka hardness was estimated at ca. 33.7 N/mm2 in the transverse direction ..."
Link : Microsoft Word - Tamarix-paper _SDU-submitted_.doc
I can't figure out how to convert that spec to some standard numbers so that I can compare to other woods.
Here is cottonwood and sample of "normal" hardness specs.
Eastern Cottonwood | The Wood Database (Hardwood)
Link : Microsoft Word - Tamarix-paper _SDU-submitted_.doc
I can't figure out how to convert that spec to some standard numbers so that I can compare to other woods.
Here is cottonwood and sample of "normal" hardness specs.
Eastern Cottonwood | The Wood Database (Hardwood)