What's Your Favorite Saw You Own?


Jul 21, 2019
For any arbitrary reason. Doesn't have to be objectively the best. Might be some antique you wouldn't think of doing real work with, but it looks cool.

Mine's my echo 2511t. I love that little saw. It was bought as a toy I basically had to invent reasons to purchase. Told myself I could use it for climbing, even though the few times a year I climb, my cs400 would have been sufficient, Told myself it could be a truck saw, even though I've spent 30 years in the field without a chainsaw...

I use that thing *all the time*. A couple of the jobs I've been working on lately would be torture without a chainsaw. Starts easily, cuts great for it's size, weighs almost nothing, and has a compact shape. I can hang it from my pistol belt, have 375ml liquor bottles filled with fuel and bar oil in each hip pocket, and can go anywhere. Yesterday I was clearing vines for stakeout, dropping small trees, flattening stumps to make a good place for setting benchmarks for the contractor, and making tall stakes out of branches. I'll soon be using it to semi-freehand rip some boards for horse stalls, and I think it'll work fine. It's my Swiss Army knife saw. Doesn't necessarily do anything best cause of it's size, but it's size allows to be be used for almost anything. One of my best forestry purchases I've made.
Hard call cause I love my 2511. Probably more than any 200t I have had.
My nodded 590 I just bought is my honey right now though. Absolutely love that saw. Just plain rips.
My old 044 was my favorite, but it died and I have not rebuilt it again. That 590 kinda filled the niche though.
2511t, 490, and Jonsered 2188 due to their good power to weight (especially when modified) and I like their setup. I haven't tried a 572 though, but I've seen a modded one in person, and it is impressive. I don't mind using the 2188 for small stuff as a time saver, I actually prefer it, but it has done well even when burying a 42" square skip with only a muffler mod and oiler mod, oiler probably being the most important to save friction.
Actually ch74 has my 2188 now :whine: (tough times). I want another though.
This is a tuff question for me I have many favorites...
Currently I have a Dolmar 6000i that I like more and more each time I use it!
150t (muffler modded) and 462 (stock).opposite ends of the spectrum but boy they each are fabulous for the relevant applications.
Having gone nine years without running a brand new 200T, I'd have to say the new 200T is my current favorite. One of mine bit the dust two weeks ago, so I put a new one on the truck. Sweet running saw!
I’m a STIHL man all the way ...but Husky 395xp on steroids ? 24” b/c ? Gotta luv it ! ... the STIHL 462c is a great saw also ... light weight and lotsa-balls-a IF modded properly ... game changing saw I say
My old 020 and my 462. The 020 only comes out once in a while for special jobs. I don’t want to kill it. My 046 was my favorite but when it finally expired I replaced it a year later with the 462. That saw is a beast and Stihl built it right. I’m still waiting for the 500i to hit stateside. My dealer has promised me the first one as they did with the 462. As of now I hold the first 201t ( both first and second generation), the first 201tc, and the first 462 they have sold. They offered the first battery top handle but I had to decline as I have to many things to pay for and I’m keeping the cash readily available for the 500i
Definitely my 12yr old MS290; best saw they ever made (still runs on most jobs today and the brush monkeys can't believe how well it cuts).
150T (just muffler modded) and 462 (stock).
I don't have tried many saws though and I could go a step further with the 150's mod. I love this baby saw, but a little more power would be nice when the cut speed is key.