What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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Damn Yankees coming down here for the Geezer's climbing competition all brought their cold weather with them. It's 36 degrees right now and I am going to freeze my ass off today.



Tell Chip to forget about the footlock but win every other event and he'll get into the masters
I can't remember the last time it was above freezing here, it has been at least a couple of weeks. I really woudn't trade it for anything else though.
Can't remember a winter with so little snow. Earlier on I made a pair of stainless plates with spikes through them, to attach to the bottoms of my boots when working on snow and ice. I'd like to try them out.
Thursday night it hit 14 below .The damned thermostat stuck in the Ranger and nearly froze me to death going to work .:(

I'll deal with that SOB no more .It gets changed today by George .:what:
It's 8 degrees, all the water pipes in my house are "slushy" frozen and sputtering, but the heat lamps are working well enough to keep them from busting. A shower would be nice though....

If you can get a drip keep er going. When things get seriously sub-zero here I always leave a drip going(if I remember), then no problemo.
you could just have George pull the thermo out till spring!
George can drive that damned little truck then with the inside as cold as the weather is outside .:(

I found out what the problem is though .Those danged things came from the factory with "fail safe" thermostats in them .In other words if they fail ,they are supposed to fail wide open . Exactly what the danged thing would do.First stick completely closed ,the temp would go off the charts .Then the thing would fail open and freeze my arse off . I had to order one,a normal one .

Here's the irony of the whole thing .Some got loose from the very place they were made .I caught the problem shortly after they changed to this type which was originally made by White Rogers . Because of the "politics " the smart asses wouldn't take the electricians word they hard a problem .Funny ,I maintained at the time the thirty test stands that tested the engines .:what:

Now don't that just suck with a half life .:? Here I try to save their asses from a massive recall and damned if I don't get stuck with the dud that got away .If uncle Henry ,as in Ford were still alive I'd give him a piece of my mind .Mumble ,grumble .
ha, I guess I didnt figure on the heater core and coolant exchange for the occupants, sorry Al, and George. :D
Y'all laugh, but it was tough walking on that roof with it iced over. And the side I was working on the most was in the shadows so it stayed frozen for quite a while. That lifeline setup was extremely necessary to keep me from falling off the roof. I'm not used to that ice stuff, that's why I live in FLORIDA!
Well I certainly won't .When I was in Key West in '67 it got down to 65 .I laughed my butt off when I looked out the barracks window and saw all those sailors with jackets on .Until that is I stepped outside .Back in I went and got myself a jacket .

Us northern polar bear types might think it's funny until you get used to warm weather and then you get a cold snap .
Warm out today... hit twenty-something, so I was able to wash the truck, at least, after I did my plow runs.
dang RJS, I didnt think FLA EVER got ice, I am SO sympathtic right now I might shed a tear for your pain! :P
Ya'll just don't wanna know how warm it was today ... And I can personally say, this weather sux!. I want some moisture and some burn days... Starting to look like another drought year. :(