What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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So how is that a problem? Islands become uninhabitable, yeah. Is this something completely new that has never happened before, and how is it so horrible? The earth is going to change whether we like it or not. The earth has been changing since it was first created and will continue to change long after the last human has disappeared. An island becoming uninhabitable is something that should be expected, not something to use as justification for creating a monetary tax on every living human on the planet.

It's at least a short term problem for people who have lost their housing, and or need to be re-located to areas where making a livelihood is problematical...breakdown of certain cultural givens that were a mainstay in their quality of life.
That's been happening since the beginning of time. An inconvenience, perhaps. Volcanoes displace people. Earthquakes displace people. Floods displace people.

Of course we've never had any of those things until Man started burning too much oil in the last 50 years. Now we have to charge people for carbon credits in order to fix it.
Well try as one might nobody can change mother nature .What will be will be .

What is now Egyptian desert was once fertile farm ground .What was once western US desert is now farm land thanks to irrigation but just how long will that last ?

Ohio was once one big gigantic hardwood forest .If they quit farming within 50 years or so it would be repopulated with trees .In a hundred years it would resemble pioneer days .

Florida was a gigantic swamp .Leave it alone and to that most likely it will return .

They spent a fortune in levees to contain the mighty Mississippi .About every spring the proof shows that that worked well .:roll:

They damed a giant river with Hoover dam .It will only last the twinkling of an eye geologically speaking .

The earth has undergone climactic changes in the past .We couldn't stop it if we wanted to .
Why is it a problem? Do you mean to tell me that the earth has never undergone temperature changes before and any change in temperature will destroy the planet?

Nope, change is constant, but the atmosphere is capable of changing well out of our`comfort zone right into the extinction zone, with or without our help. No point in pushing it along if it's not necessary. Generally speaking carbon in the atmosphere causes greenhouse effect, that's not really disputed territory unless you also happen to believe in talking snakes. Humans heap millions of tons of carbon and crap into the air every day. Volcanic eruptions or huge fires are aperiodic and have definite beginnings and ends. Man made pollution and slash and burn clearing is 24/7/365... it's adding up.

If there was a big die-off of phytoplankton in the ocean, air quality would suck.. bad. If a big part of this planet became uninhabitable, vast numbers of people would move en masse... you think it's getting crowded by people coming over the border now?

I don't get the denial, what purpose does it serve? Being able to pollute all we want isn't going make anyone money in the long term and only the pigs will make anything short term.

We have to deal with waste, lets get the technology going now before anything gets desperate. You know, 'dig your well before you're thirsty' and all that.
They should have spent the money on luggage and plane tickets. :D

They did spend the money on plane tickets, then spent more in the Maldives, that went to pay for the geologists, courtesy of the government there. It's a Indian Ocean paradise, or was.

Since you and your big shit eating grin take issue with the US Geological Survey's use of tax funds, and are obviously so friggen informed about it, perhaps you might want to better enlighten as to which studies have elicited your negativity....in Hawaii to survey beach erosion affecting hundreds of millions of dollars worth of property, or in New Orleans after Katrina, or exactly where? They are doing lots of studies, so you shouldn't have a problem.

Getting a report by some trained scientists.....considering that over one hundred thousand people were killed as a result of the tsunami, along with the massive destruction of infrastructure, having something more measurable than just some eye witnesses that say, "A big wave suddenly came and washed lots of people away, along with their kids, cars and cows", it does seems to have some necessity, along with the historical context. How seismic activity equates to tsunami potential and damage, maybe you think it better to just leave it up to the seagulls to inform by acting unusual?

Not to digress, clear skies here, no snow. It's been an unusually warm winter up to this point. The nearby ski places have sufficient snow, though it's now melting.
So now you're implying that tsunamis are caused by man and we need to quit whatever it is we're doing that is causing tsunamis? Yeah, right. :roll:

I'm not disagreeing that catastrophic weather events are harmful and damaging, I'm just not under the dilusion that man causes them or can stop them.

And Chip, I agree that the polluting of our oceans is a travesty. This will destroy our planet long before any effect is ever created from 'carbon credits'. Stopping the massive trash dumping in the oceans would go a long way towards preserving our planet.
No, I never associated the tsunami with a man made situation, kind of an off thread diversion that I thought had some human interest, you know, the sudden geyser in your living room thing. If I could possibly make the man causes tsunami association for real, I'd be very rich, and would wipe out all the credit card debt in the treehouse....kind of a good tsunami, so to speak.
Being less wastefull, more efficient, and conservation minded, wouldn't be such a bad idea, would it?

The bottle/can deposit has recycled countless tons of glass and aluminum. About time NY raised the deposit from 5cents to a dime. Time for the rest of the states to join in too.

Energy and resource conservation shouldn't be too difficult to adapt to.
So the weather here in SC officially sucks today, Wake up to gust of winds over 30 and a torrential downpour for 40 minutes, forecast is for drizzles all day and wind in the 35 to 45 mile range.
Our snow we were suppose to get ended up just being slush. Temps musta dropped though, there is a thin coating on the trees. Enough to have a tree land on my Aunts car at my grandma's. I guess I'm getting wet today.
3 or 4 inches of snow and sleet, being topped off with ice right now. Just lost power for an hour, fingers crossed.
The weather just went from good to crap in 5 minutes. Blowing like hell right now. At least 40 sustained. Sideways rain, got to love it.

I stayed home, pine trees in my neighbors back yard are moving side to side 30 ft or better.
53 a d partly cloudy today. Nice day for a wood run! Supposed to be 60 by Friday? I'm sure it will snow next week though.