What's the weather like in your neck of the woods?

  • Thread starter Rborist1
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Gaddammit! Now they're calling for rain all day tomorrow too then it clears and gets cold... at least Monday was a good one.
It was -49C on the weekend, This coming weekend they are forecasting 0C. The inbetween is all over the place. Might be 3" of snow on the flat, but it can all change in the blink of an eye, RIGHT Blinky?
I don't know if global warming is or is not occurring, all I know is that folks misrepresent theory all the time on both sides of the issue. Anyone who takes one weather event or even one season of weather events and attributes it to global warming is making an unsupportable statement. Those who claim it isn't happening because its really cold at their house this year are doing the same.
Yep, up there you can be sure of one thing, the weather's gonna change.
Glaciers and the ice caps are definitly in retreat. People with a vested interest distort facts all the time. It is hard to know who is right, but if you look at the level of energy use, rainforest clearing, etc. how could we not be having some effect on the climate?
The loss of Artic ice is major and pretty much irrefutable. It doesn't matter whether the greenhouse effect is manmade or not, it's real and it's a problem. Denying it is just ignorant.
The loss of Artic ice is major and pretty much irrefutable. It doesn't matter whether the greenhouse effect is manmade or not, it's real and it's a problem. Denying it is just ignorant.

Why is it a problem? Do you mean to tell me that the earth has never undergone temperature changes before and any change in temperature will destroy the planet?
Why is it a problem? Do you mean to tell me that the earth has never undergone temperature changes before and any change in temperature will destroy the planet?

We can't destroy the planet but would could destroy our own niche. We probably will because we've never shown any restraint or long term vision.
Yup, just like customers of mine that buy a house with 3 huge 200 year old live oaks in the yard, insist on having the trees hacked back away from the house ("cut that 15" lead back another 3 feet, it's still too close to the house!") and then sell the house 8 months later. Of course a few environmentally forward-looking people can see the truth that 20 million others on the planet cannot, and will save the world for us all.

I'm just saying that I don't have the power to save a frikkin tree in my own neighborhood, never mind the power to affect anything on a global basis. Politicians only want to take our money under the guise of 'saving the planet' but are the most hypocritical beings on the face of the earth, and will steal most of the money for their own use. The only thing that can affect me from this 'global warming' crap is another politician digging his hand deeper into my wallet. frig that.
I am not certain you can find any unbiased scientific information on the web about global warming.
So where do you find your info, Darin? Do you have the inside track on unbiased info? Or do you just choose which side you wish to believe, just like the rest of us?
Climate change probably isn't such a problem if you are living in Wyoming, but for the islands that comprise the Maldives, it is. Some residences there now experience flooding from mere low level tidal surges. In a hundred years, possibly no more Maldives.

Have a friend who is a scientist working for the US geological survey. He studies coastal erosion, and travels the world within the capacity of his research. A cool job! He was on loan to the Maldives govt. after the big tidal wave hit, to look into the changes that the disaster brought. He has some incredible stories, what he saw himself, and heard from the local people there. In one place, twenty minutes before the tidal wave hit, and considerably distant from the shore, suddenly the wood floors of the houses shot up and sea and ground water erupted inside like a geyser. Might make you wonder what's inside the beer you're drinking. It was the pressure of the incoming wave pushing ground and sea water ahead of itself through the porous underground volcanic rocks, beneath the villages. :O:\:

He also studies coastal problems due to man's efforts, normal sand movement blockage due to breakwaters and other development. A big problem in Hawaii, apparently.
So, has he come up with any solutions yet? Or do we need to spend a few more billion on studies? :roll:
So how is that a problem? Islands become uninhabitable, yeah. Is this something completely new that has never happened before, and how is it so horrible? The earth is going to change whether we like it or not. The earth has been changing since it was first created and will continue to change long after the last human has disappeared. An island becoming uninhabitable is something that should be expected, not something to use as justification for creating a monetary tax on every living human on the planet.