What's on RIGHT NOW!

Well I just finished watching "Carrier" online. That was a really good series. I am so glad when I was younger and making big life mistakes there wasn't a film crew present. The series was good and I found myself really caring for the people they featured even with all their flaws. For me, fighting fire for the Forest Service was my military experience. I remember giving up control of my life for 5 months every year and living in stressed out/exhilarating environment, leaving my wife and friends behind. I could definitely relate. It was also interesting to see how many folks didn't get the war on terror or understand what the heck they were doing in the broader sense.
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  • #79
Carrier is a great series, it really took me back. It's weird seeing women onboard, that wasn't around thirty years ago.
I am getting the pleasure of watching the "Wiggles" for the bajillionth time!!! I will so glad to be home where he has his own tv!!!
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  • #89
I like about half of their witty banter. And what's up with that "repor" word? Is he doing a form of ebonics?
it has to do with the way he says Colbert as in coal-bear... so he cuts the t off the report word as well and says ree-poor.

one of his schticks I guess.
I like Stewart better.
Not me, I boycotted all television in 1992. I only have the tube now because I have little ones who love their Pixar DVD's. And so do I. :O
I always felt like the lone ranger when I gave up on tv 5 years ago (quit cable 15 years ago). Glad to see that there's a few others out there who agree that there's almost nothing worth watching on tv.
TV is off at the moment, not planning on watching any olympic hoo haw. Also not planning on being in town when the winter olympics are here in a couple years, no thanks very much.
got the Beluga cam from the vancouver aquarium on in another window. A baby beluga was born there a couple months ago and is still doing good and growing. :)

and if its cold out and you need a bit of a daydream, check the waikiki beach cam.