What other Jobs have you done?

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May 18, 2007
bergen, Norway
I am interested in hearing about the other kids of Careers Treehousers might have had.I've been involved in Treework or Logging since I left School at 16.

Like alot of guys,Ive felt like leaving this industry on occasion,but "the grass is always Greener on the other side".

What other jobs have you done?
In tree business 45 years, during that time also worked as John Deere tractor and equipment mechanic, elevator warehouseman, nurseryman, also had good training in army as surveyor, permanent KP, parts clerk for OH-6A helicopters and personnel clerk; in college was dish washer, janitor, motorcycle mechanic, and erected Behlen grain bins. Helped dad and brother on farm in spare time.

Couldn't hold a job worth a dang in otherwords!!!!
Let's see... Navy at 17, treework, deckhand, treework, bartending, treework, Micky Dees, treework; I'm presently juggling these last two.

Something along those lines.
Logging, and treework. I also had my own gas station for a few years.:drink: It sucked.

Oh yah dairy farming for three years through highschool and summers. That's what convinced me to go into the bush.
Treework used to be my full-time; now it's a part-time, and I'm an automation engineer (fancy electrician with a degree, basically.)

I've also been a truck driver in the military- then later- civilian realm.
Well let's see in high school I worked at a horse stable doing all facets of horse care from breeding, training, showing, and everything in between for three years. I landscaped the summer before I went to collage. In collage I worked as dental lab tech making crowns, bridges, implants, veneers, and the occasional denture for fourteen and a half years. I started doing tree work right around the same time as I started making teeth but it was more of a side hobby really you know the no insurance easy jobs for friends and family. Then the lab started to get really slow and I formed my company almost four years ago and went legit. I have worked with other tree guys in the past and have also worked at a nursery off and on to fill in when I was in high school as well.
So with Halloween coming up you must be extra busy making Dracula teeth.:P

Seriously I had a buddy that made more teeth this time of year than the rest of it.
i used to work in a custom cabinet/furniture shop. thought thats what i wanted to do for a living. till i found out people would pay me to climb trees! also worked in a furniture restoration shop for a few years. getting into chainsaw milling is actually what got me moving in the direction of tree work. jaime
plastic mold injection machine dude (made Afro picks with black power fist handle) -- 3 days (late shift - awful)
show salesman -- one week
lifeguard -- several years
tree company during college -- maybe 6 months...can't remember how long
instructor, survival program (like Outward Bound) -- five years
substitute teacher, high school -- one year after college
science teacher, high school -- two years
counselor at stress clinic -- one year
op. manager family business (x-ray sales and service) -- 28 years
Ha ha, black power afro picks, I remember those, I had one when my hair was curly!

Commercial fishing, then horticulturist for landscape company, then a country club, then landscape manager for a hotel, then horticulture instructor at a college, then tree work, training consultant for Gov't,...that's stuff I got paid for, lots of volunteering, Outward Bound, and conservation/natural history camps for teenagers
Paper route, tree work, bartender/bouncer, tree work, life guard, tree work, professional clown, tree work, tree work, tree work............
oh, my turn;
multiple paper routes, machine shop cleanup kid, multiple paper routes, babysitter, paper route, magazine subscription telephone marketer (2 weeks), garden center, garden center/nursery/plant production, landscaper, nursery/landscaper/public speaker/dad
So far.
Insurance Clerk
Eye Lens inspector
Assembly, calculators
Assembly, tape recorders
Factory, Circular saw blades
Pattern Marker, uniforms
Waitress on Padre Island
Waitress in Greek Restaurant
Waitress in Jewish Deli/Restaurant
Flower Bouquet Bundler
Order Picker, Albums and cassette tapes
Plant Shop Worker/Salesperson
Greenhouse Horticulturist
MN VA- Lab Technician
U of K / VA - Lab Technician
U of M – Lab Technician
Uof K – Lab Technician
Wow, Che...LOTS of variety...cool.

I forgot...I was a paperboy once, too. I helped on my uncle's farm one summer...cropped tobacco, hauled hay, emptied tobacco barns...I learned I didn't want to be a farmer. Best jobs have been daddy and grandaddy...and husband.
First job was a bicycle mechanic for five years through high school and college. Worked on an uncles farm during the summer. And raft guided for four summers. Started doing tree work one summer in SC when rafting was slow. Been doing that ever since...best money I've made, and the work is fun...for the most part!
Insurance Clerk
Eye Lens inspector
Assembly, calculators
Assembly, tape recorders
Factory, Circular saw blades
Pattern Marker, uniforms
Waitress on Padre Island
Waitress in Greek Restaurant
Waitress in Jewish Deli/Restaurant
Flower Bouquet Bundler
Order Picker, Albums and cassette tapes
Plant Shop Worker/Salesperson
Greenhouse Horticulturist
MN VA- Lab Technician
U of K / VA - Lab Technician
U of M – Lab Technician
Uof K – Lab Technician

Hello? What about growing the best daylillies in the country!!:)
Too many to list, really.
During my travelling years, I'd do any kind of work that I could find. From picking daffodils to herding cows.

Added up to about 50 different jobs all told.
I was a paperboy too. I still aim to get that German Shepherd that made life miserable, somehow. :X

Various jobs through high school, a relative had a specialty clothing shop for big and tall men. I worked a summer there. Some huge dudes used to come in, professional athletes and the like....big eaters...or not really big, more like enormous! "How are you fixed for underpants, you look like you take about a 98". I kind of liked washing the big pots in a various country's cuisine restaurant at a shopping mall. I like water, and the steam and stuff while scouring the heck out of those big ass pots was kind of relaxing. I took pride in a gleaming pot! All came to an end when one of the kitchen staff, "Brilliant" Jose, threw a deep ice cream sunday dish across the kitchen intended for the dumpster, but hit me in the eye instead. Made it through to hs graduation working the graveyard shift solo at a gas station. Would change and go directly to school, try and stay awake. Man the weirdos that might pull in during the wee hours, sometimes a bit scary. Never got held up, but i swear some people were thinking about it. Picked vegees in the fields around Watsonville one season with the Mexicans. They laughed at me (soft white boy) but also shared their tortillas. Got into doing woodwork early, ever since junior high really, and also milling was how I first got into tree work, my first experience with a saw being an 076 that I traded for a rocking chair. During my apprenticeship, I had a part time job breaking apart old car generators and starters late at night, trying to get the extra money together for further study abroad. Still good friends with the company, though it has been many years. When I visit, I try to remember to bring the owner's mother flowers, she still lives above the shop. Ben was a cool mongrel that roamed about the place keeping me company, back and forth from his neighborhood jaunts. He's gone now, though. :(