Welders? Any welders on this site?

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Rajan, what are your plans for the handle and socket configuration? The reason I ask, is it worth or feasible to add another socket midline on the axel?
The handle part I doubt I will ever use but it will be very similar to the Stein arrangement. I figured since I am making I may as well add it to the design before paint. Were you thinking another socket on the other end?
Maybe this pic will help. The socket is like the receiver hitch on your truck. It has two lynch pin holes and the handle tube will slide in the socket. I haven’t even made the handle yet.
Maybe there is hope for dual shield. I’ll have to go up a liner size. I’m running a .030-.035 liner now.
Got that. I thought this was mostly for hand operation, but will you be using rigs to tow stuff? Sorry, I am a bit lost and you don't have to explain to me if that is a pita. I'm sure others have a better idea than I do.
I am making this thing so I can pull larger and longer logs out of yards. So I plan on picking up an end of the log with the mini and placing the trolly under and grabbing the other end of the log with the mini. The handle part is a second thought as I never really intend to use it by hand, and probably will only if the mini breaks down.
How about Slash N Dash for a name?

I'm not sure how you are planing to do the handle but maybe something like a receiver on the troll so that way you can use this "handle" when you want. But maybe this handle could have a wide and kinda bowed shape grip bar that could also double as a support for longer logs, if there is room to get them out of the yard.

Cool project, can't wait to see the finished product!

If you go with pink the pussy wagon would look great painted on the side :sign10:
How about Slash N Dash for a name?

I'm not sure how you are planing to do the handle but maybe something like a receiver on the troll so that way you can use this "handle" when you want. But maybe this handle could have a wide and kinda bowed shape grip bar that could also double as a support for longer logs, if there is room to get them out of the yard.

Cool project, can't wait to see the finished product!

If you go with pink the pussy wagon would look great painted on the side :sign10:
The receiver part is already there I just haven’t made the handle yet.
Maybe there is hope for dual shield. I’ll have to go up a liner size. I’m running a .030-.035 liner now.

Look for some wire in that size, 030/035. 045 might be hard to run cooler on your machine. Another option would be hard wire with 95% argon/5% oxygen gas. It runs hotter on small machines.
Nothing cries out used/abused badge of honour like sheet metal that's banged out and deformed but not broken. Maybe put floor panel sheet in not too heavy but enough not to break. Not sure if you want to maintain ability to slide stuff out of the rig, but a floor would help. Or maybe no floor so the log(s) hook into the cross bars to hold the unit in place.

Of course beware going down the road of adding weight without good reason. Looks real good.
I did find wire in .035 I’ll order some up. Thanks boys!
The thought of some kind of floor crossed my mind but I don’t think it’s needed. But heavy expanded mesh would be it.
Sticks will get caught in the expanded metal, i would run it as is. Let me know how the .035 runs, I've never run less than .045 and have no use for smaller, but I'm still curious how it runs.
035 just takes less amps/heat, no different than 3/32 vs 1/8 stick. Stay away from co2 if possible flush, it sucks.
What's the real story on dual shield wire? More breeze tolerant, better scale cleaning, more penetration, faster deposition or ? I just skimmed some ESAB sales literature and it came across a little like sales speak.
There isn't feeding issues? Obviously less heat, but the problems i have with baby wire is that it jams really easily. 75/25 on the gas, which is likely what you already have