California Hillbilly
Try some different hitch cord... Some will give you more "life" than others
Try some different hitch cord... Some will give you more "life" than others

sliding across the gap tending both hitches, sitting in the 'V' lovely wide tie ins for stability!!
Three Wrap Taughtline. Guys get super fast at tying it. Do you find that it "creeps" too much? For that reason, my foreman prefers a 3-wrap Prussic. Same thing: two wraps on the bottom, but the top wrap goes the opposite direction.
Amusing discourse here at times...what, who said what, when, huh?!
Inbred...I go with a Blake's for my 'old school' it's what I started climbing on, never liked a prussik, never learned a taughtline...does that make me a 'new school, old school?'
Funny though, having gotten so used to pulling from above with the VT/hitchclimber, I was doing it with the blakes without thinking, then realizing I had to pull, push, pull, micro pulley, nothing fancy, just a 'get it done' setup again.
I just descend REAL slowlike,
By the way Bounce: You forgot #2. The old-timers can tie their hitches WAY faster that all these Poopstained Kids.
Stig: Your cordage is too long. Throw away that stupid, pre-spliced, over-priced eye-and-eye chord and make your own shorter one using fisherman not eyes instead of the factory splice ones, and that VT will bite like nothing else with one fewer wrap in it. I promise.