Tree top solar panel install

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Woods walker
Mar 7, 2005
Western Oregon
Thanks B. Yeah, hopefully the pics'll come out alright. I was really interested in the whole process that you were telling me about down by the lake, but someone--probably Darin--changed to some more frivolous topic that, of course, got all of us laughing...

...Would be great to see more of the process. Good luck getting enough patience out of the boys to get the shots. Tell em' it's really important... part of an "online educational effort" or something.;)
Wanting to set up many pannels on my wear house here in sunny SW FL. Up front cost a little steep at the moment. Our wearhouse is 150' x 60' with a near perfect east to west exposure. Did some calculations and determined 50 percent coverage would supply entire wearhouse needs barring cloudy days. Any additional pannels put innto service could produce excess sold off to FPL. Really would like to do this sooner than later but of course funding is challenging for this additional expansion. FYI I believe the payback for such an investment time wise would be 3 to 5 years depending on Hurricane/Tornado
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Things worked out much better than the first panel install, and far better than I expected. This is a cooperative project between the USFS and OR. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. The ODFW guys really picked up the ball and ran with it, taking all my suggestions to heart and bringing the necessary hardware, fittings, and tools to allow me to do the job right this time. It went in rock solid, this one will stay put I'm sure.

I'm supposed to get a batch of pictures they took sent to me, we'll see how those turn out. Hopefully I can add some of those when they arrive.

I took some, it's hard to get a decent perspective from so close to a largish subject, but here are a partner clearing the haul route up the tree after I topped it, the surroundings from up top, and the panel installation.


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The whole gig is bull trout reintroduction, Jer. Bull trout are an endangered species, exterpated from most of their range 30 or more years ago. These fish are coming from the Metolius River in central Oregon, where a relatively healthy population exists.

The panel will keep a battery bank topped up, which powers a radio tag monitoring and recording station. The fish they are stocking into the Clackamas River are all implanted with a tiny radio transmitter...the -ologists track the movements of each individual fish up and down-river past these monitoring stations.

So if these fish successfully re-colonize this river basin, it'll all be because I put those darn panels up :).

I am an eco-hero, to quote one of the ODFW fish technician guys. :D.
It might be an Echelon listening station...they may have duped you, B.

I hope you haven't unwittingly helped Dr. Doom :/:

(sorry, hanging out a lot with a 5 year old lately :D)
So if we take this one step further, ...instead of using a depth finder to locate fish to catch, all we have to do is use this new technology to find them. Kinda like a "GPS" or "On-Star" to find that fish you want to catch! LOL :lol:

Very cool.