Tree Guy's Wife!


Sorry I haven't been around. It seems every time I sit down to check in here Roman distracts me.

We're doing very well. Tree Guy is super busy with work - business is up 74% over last year!!! We need to hire another guy.

Roman is growing soooo fast. He's 7 months old now and can pull himself up. I'm sure he'll crawl in the next week or so and he loves to walk with me holding his hands. He will eat anything you give him. He was eating chili the other night and tacos tonight. He MUST eat whenever we do or kicks up a huge fuss.

Here are some pics:
Good to hear TGW! Hope TG can keep up, if not, lemme know, I will do my best to help him out!

Congratulations TGW! My wife is now 8 1/2 months pregnant with our first. I'll have to make sure she sees this thread. She'll get a kick out it. I hope ours is half as cute as yours!
Beautiful boy, Natalie! He looks so alert and READY FOR MISCHIEF! Hope you have your running shoes on. :D

Goodluck to you and your wife, Sean!
Merry Christmas!

Good to hear TGW! Hope TG can keep up, if not, lemme know, I will do my best to help him out!


Hi Paulie!

Please forgive me, but I don't have a clue how the upcoming Paul (Paulette) Jr or 'mom' is fairing. Could you fill me in?

Hope your Christmas is going well. I'm anxious to hear about your holidays NEXT year. What fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kids let us all experience the magic of Christmas again.

Something I learned that I never hear talked about >>>
A woman's abdominal muscles stretch out to accomodate a pregnancy. Once the babe is delivered, there is a short window to close those same muscles that gave out during pregnancy.
I was taught this after the birth of my first-born... and I wanted to strangle the nurses that were trying to get me to exercise !!!
"I had my birth at 11:52 p.m. yesterday. How does that qualify me for the 6:50 a.m. round of exercises ?!? "
They taught me... I listened. The "window" of those muscles coming back together in the abdominal area is less than 72 hours.
That's why we see 50's-ish women walking around with big guts >>> They were never taught, and so those muscles never recover.
By the way, my first child was born in South Africa, under a socialist medical system. They have every reason to lean towards preventitive medicine.
Picture your hands with fingers entwined together... those are the abdominal walls.
Those "walls" or muscles soften & give way to the expanding belly... the 'fingers' loosening & giving way.
After a birth, those same muscles need to be encouraged to go back to their original positions(s).
Those "fingers" need to be as closely intertwined as you can get them, as they originally were.
Si ?
If she's going 'natural' (which I HIGHLY recommend !), tell her to start doing cross-ab manuevers A.S.A.P. after delivery.
Don't be brutal >>> get 6-8 hours of sleep after a delivery.
After that, start.
Even lying flat in bed, start... leg lifts (gently), focus on the abdominal area... meaning think about those softened muscle areas and cross train them. It's NOT extreme, and not excessive. Do what you can, then stop. Why would this be considered selfish or extreme ? I WANT my body to recover, I EXPECT my body to recover... & so doing some simple exercises shouldn't freak anybody out, ey ?!? LOL
I recovered with Richard Simmons. :lol: Seriously, a friend and I had babies around the same time and we would work out with that goofball and had a lot of fun! ( and it worked, looking at being 50ish and no big gut :lol: )
I didn't know that! Well, I knew about the ab muscles separating but not the exercises.

Paul, I'm dying to see pictures of your wife.

Sean - congratulations!!! You are going to love it. It's an amazing experience. Can't wait to see pics of your little one.