Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery! I had a pretty bad TIP failure years ago, but I was a whole lot luckier than you were. I shared my experience a year ago or so, but I'll just repost here.
I've never taken a real fall, but I've come so close it's a little scary to think about. I had just isolated what I thought was a nice TIP on a decent sized sugar maple. I tested the line with my weight and noticed that it seemed a little sloppy for the size of the limb I was tied to. I figured I was just being paranoid so I went on up. About 2-3 feet off the ground I hear a crack and landed back on my feet. Immediately I went into that surreal state of mind where time seems to slow down and you can make split second decisions. I knew exactly what had happened and started backstepping as fast as I could. I couldn't say how long it took for the branch to hit the ground, but I had managed to get about six feet away from where it landed. The tree was growing over a terraced garden with three or four tiers and if I had I lost my footing when I landed, I could have fallen 4-5 feet onto hard limestone rock.
There were all kinds of dinky garden ornaments and artwork and even a glass table with some chairs and miraculously the branch missed everything. It barely even damaged any of the planted flowers.
I ended up keeping the butt of the branch for a few years before I burned it in a brush pile.