What if someone had to come up and get you down Butch??? Your a big guy it would be much easier to get you down on an escape line that it would to try and unclip you and then have to try and clip you onto a rescuer's harness.
Butch, I am suprised. Then you are relying on THEM to rescue you. An already elevated situation has now had a "resucuer" added in. Funny when the heartrate gets above 120 simple motor skills go out the window. Why would you be reluctant to have another measure of self rescue at Your disposal. Remember, THEY is usually someone who you work with, they may even like you, are you going to rely on the fact that they can stay calm while they are climbing to you as fast as they can? While they are ascending through the curtain of blood that could be pouring out of your body, do trust completely that they will be able to focus on the task at hand while you are groaning in agony? There is nothing wrong with having a plan or two, nor is there anything wrong with training.
Good thread.
I threw a line over my balcony today, and tried descending single line on my VT. It seems it's do-able, and doesn't require any gizmo's which is good.
I guess I'll just choke it off with a running bowline and go to town.
I cinch my lifeline onto the spar with a biner.
Yah that is what I do(with the biner) and am uncomfortable with for the reasons you mentioned. But I generally unclip my 2nd TIP when moving down the spar for the next chunk, and so being lazy this has become a bad technique I'm using.
I like this arrangement, the adjustable false crotch, aka ring and ring friction saver. You can set it up with your standard DdRT setup, of course. Works fine on a clear bole, so long as you keep it at least lightly loaded
Dang, can't get my pic to upload...I'll try again later.