I've used a grcs for several years but I own a hobbs, between the two I still prefer the Hobbs. Many disagree but I used the grcs enough to discover some of the small annoyances that aren't readily apparent.
According to google the current exchange rate is about .8 euros to a dollar. That makes this thing about $3,700...not $6,000. I'd pay an extra thousand for the functionality of having 2 ropes in one device. What else am I going to do- use a GRCS AND a porty? That's preposterous!
We have a new one at Davey and an old one.. the new one is decidedly better
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Huh? That doesn't make sense...
I don't see that rig running 2 ropes smooth at all. Also, do not like the slot being cut in the boillard, and the capstan is too small, as those of us who own a GRCS (older) know.
I've been tossing around the idea of building a mounting plate just for the bollard. Not near as fancy as the GRCS mount, just a steel base with a visor and a winch strap. It could probably be done for less than $50 with material/scrap on hand.
The only problem I see with that is that the porty has a certain amount of "flop" to it, because of the sling attachment. It would need to be mounted a certain distance away from the GRCS laterally to avoid the ropes interfering with one another. I'd rather have the porty be more flexible in its attachment point. I often wrap a rope several times around the tree and then use a shackle to attach the porty to it. That way, you can rotate it to wherever you need it, front, back, side, etc. Another of my quirks is that I don't like the rigging line to rub against the trunk any more than necessary. I like a straight line from raking device to the block. If the porty were attached to the GRCS, it would be less flexible in its positioning options. Just my .02...
I notice a lot of you guys say you use the GRCS a lot. I seldom use mine. I wonder if it's a matter of habit, or climbing/rigging style that dictates this.
I notice a lot of you guys say you use the GRCS a lot. I seldom use mine. I wonder if it's a matter of habit, or climbing/rigging style that dictates this.