If they were to do a flash mob , I read of a good one today.
In Denmark we have the right to assemble peacefully, even though we are heathen commies, mostly.
However, any demonstration, march etc. must be cleared with the authorities beforehand ( they can't say no ( even Nazis get to march here) but it gives them a chance to prepare for whatever mayhem may follow. ( such as when the general population decides to try to kill those marching nazis with their handbags and bare hands).
So this group asked for permission to gather at a square in Copenhagen for a
" fællespisning".
That would mean to eat together, if there was one more "S". As in "fællesspisning"
The authorities overlooked the missing "S" ( noone can spell for shit anymore!), Ok'ed it and on the day and hour about a hundred people met up, unzipped and pissed all over the place.
"fællespisning" means to pee together