The Official Work Pictures Thread

Yeah, for about a year. Learned a ton there but I missed Maine too much and moved back here. Great crew of super knowledgeable, passionate tree folks.

You know hartney people?
Starting in a patch of declining fir. Besides some small willows and a small maple, 6 fir removals, one already dead and broken (fellable without climbing).

2 stripped and chipped, with chunks flopped, and spars standing.

I cleared blackberries and leveled the uneven ground with the loader bucket. The grapple will take a grip of blackberries to the neighbor's burn pile.



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Rotten, top already broken out at 12", slight lean toward the neighbor's driveway and fence.
Needed to keep tension on the line as I cut.
Padding near the end of the drain field and beginning of turf.

A piece broke off and banged the little tool box on the fender of the chipper, after the falling log cracked over the crosswise log. The broken bit ended up coming down hard enough to punch a little hole in the driveway. Client wasn't fussed at all. Said patching it would give her husband something to do. Told her I think I have a half bag of 10 year old cold-patch in my shop, and would of course take care of it.

Looks like what I suspected, Laminated Root Disease...6 removals might become 12+.



A good thing about dying trees, way less brush.

Week solo while GF take care of her 2 and Dahlia, including distance-schooling, week with her help, while kids are with the other parents. We are both in 50/50, "week-on, week-off" custody.

Have considered hiring a new employee, but Covid and the need for flexible scheduling had me holding off. And the likelihood of finding someone who can follow training and instruction, and work safely is always slim.

My GF and I work well together.
She's smart and quick to pick up, although petite. Luckily, the mini-loader is a great equalizer.

We have climbing plans for the weekend in the backyard 130' fir trees for her to record a song for a personal project.
I had fun with this one. Hired a kid from work to help and ended up with 3 guys on the ground processing material. I didn't have to touch branch one when I hit the ground. Planned on taking the firewood home to maybe split and sell but gave it away to a passerby. Beats the hell outta double handling it myself. One load to the dump and done hours earlier than I'd thought. Made some good money and the homeowner is happy. :D

30 second video

Wow, good job Ryan, Scott and Sean. Yeah Sean, the crown of those definitely seem to exhibit root rot.

Sean Ruel: Were you sick er somethin dude? Good job btw. Did you work for the Greymont outfit after Davey?
I get a call from some other tree companys to come and help out once and a while on some tough this one!

Massive Black Oak on two story home....cut into roof about 6 to 8ft down...what a mess!

The big problem was there was no crane access so had to be rigged down...job was bid at 27K

Roofing company came out and did the cribbing so oak wouldnt crush roof more than needed

I climbed neighbors ponderosa pine and set up a pulley at about 80ft up for rigging... with GCRS on trunk and then I was ground support from there. 003.JPG 011.JPG 001.JPG 013.JPG 69812831_2196072173854571_3669054689682391040_o.jpg 70148549_2196072840521171_6543254462092279808_o.jpg