Jed, is that a Swinger loader, how do you like it?
Man, you know your stuff Cory. That thing's invaluable. The Dutchman that Rich noticed comes from trying to cut a low stump because it doesn't grab vertical stems very well. But horizontal stuff... man, it can lift the world, I'm tellin ya... AND stack a huge pile of logs onto the truck. Easily the best arb machine ever made. I would pit Edwin (The guy famous with Butch and Fi for holding the Brute with one hand) on that pig against Daniel in his skid-steer any day. We call it the "Winger," now... you can see why in the third to last shot.
Rich: New laces=beer money. Guess which contender's gonna win that fight. Dude! You were right about the dutchman...
Reg: "Unfortunately..." Not for us mate. Might make for some crackin pics.
Biggun: Verrrry nice job, sir... the beauty of the whiteness of the wood of all those logs all stacked up like that... arghhhhh....
Williard: What are ya gonna do sometimes, sir? The guy doesn't want to do the right thing, which is to remove those pigs... so... what are ya gonna do? No, seriously... I'm askin ya! (Man! the shot of that sharpening kit, just brings out the inner geek in me almost as much as tree-stumps.) We've got a fun trade, eh?

. Hey, you know what? I saw this guy at the dump today who looked EXACTLY like you running his own little outfit. He had this tiny little chipper. You'd think that even a vain-glorious pig like myself would at least be man enough to have taken a picture of the guy with his chipper to shoot up on here, but no matter... I'll see him around again soon enough, and THEN I'll play the man, and... you'll see.
O.k.... More tops than I can count today (all the tops look the stinkin same!)... The tapered hinge: (In Gimli--of Lord of the Rings Fame--voice) "It was deliberate, lads. It was deliberate."
OH! The second to last shot is of a German cut that I put into the last Red Cedar top. Look what it did. The last shot is what happens when the boys get over-zealous on the pull-rope prematurely.